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Remembering the beautiful little Datta mandir in Borivali, Mumbai

Sairam friends,

When I was in Mumbai, I stayed in Borivali and used to travel to Andheri east everyday. There’s a small Saibaba temple in Seepz, Andheri East on first floor. There was a man who used to regularly write Sai’s holy name in a note book. The surprising fact was that, I had met him in 2006 and again when I went to Mumbai in 2008, I was surprised to see him sit in the same corner and write Saibaba’s holy name.

Once, my friend Ashish said there’s some festival in a Dattatreya temple in Borivali and took me there. It was Dattatreya Jayanthi of 2008. From that day, I started coming around this Dattatreya every Sunday.

I like small temples which are calm and peaceful.

I remember the name of this temple is – Suyambu pasanam Datta Mandir.

Not sure if I spelt it right though.

Last night, I went to Nagasai mandir in Coimbatore after work. Then, I reached home and decided to spend the night remembering Sai and Lord Dattatreya.

I was chanting their holy name and also read few pages in Sree Pada Sree Vallabha Charitramrutam.

I felt divine and slept off.

I did not got any meaningful dream but I felt happy for remembering Sai and sleeping.

Whenever you sleep remembering Sai, you will feel blissful. Try that.

Om Sai Ram


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