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Wish to live with Sai baba in a village none could find us

Sairam friends,

I am really going through a lot these days. I love my pa and ma. As I am recovering from fever, I really get bored. I don’t like the place I work. I don’t like worrying about it too.

I wish to run out of all this mess.

Wish there’s a simple village where I meet Saibaba. Sai and myself decide to live in the village without anyone’s knowledge.

We will get stuff to cook from shops, come to our hut and cook for ourselves. I wish to sleep under a Neem tree shade.

I don’t like what ever is happening around me right now. Its all complicated. So living with Sai Baba in a remote village might make me happy. None should be able to recogonize Sai baba and also myself.

I wish to walk with Sai to the river every evening. I wish to chat with Sai about my life and the people I love.

I am always on mobile because that’s how I reach out to people I need but there should be a time in life when I lead a much more realistic life.

I think Saibaba will take care of me. I simply wish to sleep under the Neem tree shade.

I don’t like all these innovation around us. We have complicated out life. Wish Saibaba takes me 150 years back.

I am going to sleep now



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1 Comment

  • Jai Sai i too feel good like simple life and is like a movie set,false.a dream .

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