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Living in an unreal world

Sairam friends,

When I think about few experiences I had in past, I could realize that even the people whom we love and trust most doesn’t understand us and what we did for them. Situations can change anyone and make them speak harsh even for little things. Sai doesn’t like us getting angry on any one even during such times.

When people who are dear to us doesn’t treat us properly and speaks harsh, we only have to adjust and move on. The good deeds we do for others and our dear one’s will some day make them realize that we have really been good to them.

This truly is an unreal world.

We get attached to few people and where ever I see, people give importance to the money they spend and the things they possess.

I could have used StarSai simply to write the Leela and experiences I had with Saibaba but true wisdom isn’t simply telling people various ways Sai helped them. Wisdom is when we understand how to make ourself internally strong and pure even in worst situations.

No matter what happens in life, we must bear it with patience and be calm.


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1 Comment

  • Dear sai brother
    May Baba bless u
    You have somehow written some very relevant lines
    Somtimes Baba conveys to us the lessons we ought to learn through you

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