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Lord Ayyappan

Written by venkatraman

Sairam friends,

This weekend, I was busy doing some stuff. I still don’t have a hold on what I must do in future.  I started doing a course along with my friend every Sunday. I believe, its useful for my career. Just that, the whole Sunday for the next 10 weeks will be consumed in this course. My Mom is not well which really upsets me. Last night, I slept off remembering Shirdi Saibaba listening to Sai Satcharitra audio in my mobile all the night. I woke up a 3 A.M and realized that I had the following dream.

I was coming in Bus and suddenly see a Tiger running crossing the highway and running into an area where there were some people near a hut. I suddenly shout saying “A Tiger is running”. Another man too spots the Tiger. I request to stop the bus so that I can run and tell the people down there that there’s a Tiger behind them. The bus stops and I run to them shouting and alert them. Like me, few other people too shout and help the innocent people near the hut. The dream was over. I had another dream in which I  see myself in Saibaba colony. My friend and myself are buying a statue of Cow from a shop.

That’s it.


Lord Ayyappan coming in Tiger – Photo used with courtesy

I woke up and felt it could be blessing of Lord Ayyappan because I don’t worship him much. Yesterday, I went through the Ayyapan temple but din’t even remember him. May be, Ayyappan came in the form of Tiger in the dream to make me realize I must not forget him as he cares for me.

I pray Sai and Lord Ayyappan to do good to everyone. There are Sai devotees who are also devoted to Lord Ayyappan.

This Sai Leela is dedicated to them.

Sai blessings



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