Sairam friends,
I got below mail from a Shirdi Saibaba devotee. Wish to share this devotees experience. Hope you like it. I just wish to add this friends. Kindly be strong internally no matter what happens in life. Keep doing Naam smaran – Sairam sairam sairam or any chantings you like..May sai always be with you.
Sairam brother venkat garu…
i am a follower of your blog.if you feel like to publish my experience and prayer, please post it,otherwise, its ok..
Jai Ganesha..Jai sai ram
I am facing problems, regarding my marriage since 3 years..i was in love with my guy for almost 2years.his parents even visited my house for marriage talks..his parents did not like this proposal.later on,after few months even my guy had left me, saying he never loved me and this marriage will not hurted me alot. I request you and who all are reading this post, please pray for me to save my relationship and get married to my love.
I had surrendered to baba 6 months back and tried to move on in life. Recently, i got a call, which i never expected and i met my guy after more than a year.i was happy.but,there is no change in him, again he said he don’t want to marry me..6months before, i tried to move on with one proposal in one of my relatives.but, i could not even show 1% of love and care towards him, and finally i left it, thinking he should get a get girl, who loves him truly.
Just before my exams, i had met my guy and my mind was disturbed.i was crying badly and next evening suddenly at evening i felt like to go to sai baba temple and ask him, about my problem.I prayed to baba, on the way to temple, that i should get a flower today, if my guy is going to come back.
A white Rose as a Blessing from Shirdi Saibaba:
It was evening 6..i went to attend Baba Arathi..When i was sitting in first row and singing Arathi. .suddenly, one lady, whose age is of 30+, she was dwarf, little less mind matured, behaving like kid..and she generally stays at temple by cleaning, serving baba temple.
All of a sudden, when i was singing Arathi, she came to me and thrown a white rose flower with big stalk in my lap and went off…there are many people sitting behind me..i did not even realize what she has thrown..i was thinking, it might be white rough paper..When i saw my lap,it was white rose flower, where i asked baba, to give flower as a positive sign…i felt very happy.
After Arathi, i went to her, and i asked her, who gave this flower..she has shown baba’s idol and said mandir..she does not know how to speak also..i mean..she cannot speak and and she can speak very few words..that also, some times, we don’t understand. i wanted to ask her few thing things and i tried talking to her, as these kind of people will be equal to baba only or more close to baba. she was telling something, which we dont understand like 2years old kid…
What ever it is..baba, i felt happy, i took it as positive sign from you…but, baba, now, what should i do? same problem is persisting…baba, by blessings of Ganapathi, by next sankashti ganapathi chaturthi, please solve my problems.please reunite me and my guy…please help me baba.

Lord Ganesha and Shree Guru Dattatreya – Thanks to the devotee for photo contribution
Sankashti Ganapathi Chaturthi Vrat:
I had few experiences with our lord Saibaba, but i never sincerely prayed to Ganesha…
Recently, in the month of December, when i was talking to my cousin, she told me about sankashti ganapathi chaturthi vrat.she got good results and blessed by lord ganesha. I felt like to do it but, she told me, in every month sankashti will come on any week day, once in a month but, if you want to start this vrath,you should start doing this sankashti vrath which falls on Tuesday, that is known as Angaraka sankashti chaturthi, which is more auspicious.
Modhakas for Ganesha on Angaraka sankashti chaturthi – (Sankashti Chaturthi on Tuesday )
so, i told my cousin, i want to do vrath, but oh my god, once in 6 months it will fall on Tuesday, then how can i do next coming month,if its not falling on Tuesday. Immediately, i told my self, if Ganeshas grace is there, then i will do and i left it. After 2 days, i went to sai mandir, where Ganesh temple is also there .
There i saw a big board saying, jan 1st 2013, Angaraka sankashti chaturthi falling on Tuesday, so some special poojas to Ganapathi will held. I felt happy to read it and i rechecked twice, and one more news was my exams will finish on 31st December 2012 and i can happily do vrath and fast on 1st jan vrath went on well,i prepared modakas (Ganeshas favourite prasad)….
I have placed lord Ganesha idol on rice grains in a plate. When i started vratham, i placed a flower on top of Ganesha’s head.I was just thinking in my heart, that flower should fall as a blessings and acceptance of my vrath..but, it didnot fall..after 2 days, i was about to remove Ganesha’s idol from Rice grains plate, and i still noticed flower on same top of Ganesha’s head and i felt, hmm it did not fell finally and, i thought of removing Ganesha’s idol. With in fraction of seconds, flower fell on Rice grains, with out being touched by me.
Its purely Ganesha’s wish, that i did this vrath..
Every thing went on, i pray, Ganesha, please help me and fulfill my sankalpam.
thank you Ganesha for blessing me..
– A devotee of Lord Ganesha and Sai
Above was the mail. The reason i posted this devotees experience is that many sai children write to me about their problems in relationship issues. Sometimes i don’t have time to read and reply them but honestly i respect devotees who continue to love Baba no matter what changes happens in their life. Some times we are blessed with what we want and sometimes we to accept reality. I struggled for years in my life like this and finally met my girl and now i believe Sai will do a leela. May Sai and Lord Ganesha bless us all with a beautiful peaceful life.
Jan 7th 2013
baba please keep me always at your feet
Baba, Sri Sai Deva, Thursday, blessed by your grace, Deva am your child, Please sai amma, i need u extremely right now, Please hug me by your true love n care. 🙂 🙂 :)…………..
Baba, amma, i cant confront evils and evil doers at times. As a mother, bless me Deva, Give me courage and walk along with me and make me succeed.
sairam brother venkat garu..
thank you for replying and posting my experience with baba and ganesha..
after sending mail to you, i was checking each and every hour for your reply….At night 12’o clock, i felt like to check my mail again..i immediately told my self, why do you want to check so many times,the reply will surely come at right time and left it..the next minute, i got a message in my mobile, that, “your mobile internet is auto activated”..generally, my mobile net get autoactivated for every 3 days..
after i got message, some how, i was very sure, that i got reply from you..and here is my post…
i really felt blessed…
jai ganesha..jai sairam..
i am happy to read that you met your girl after many years…i hope and pray baba to reunite you with your girl…
jai ganesha…jai sairam
i am the one, who aked baba and ganesha blessings for my marriage..
now the time is 5 am…today night i was awake till 3:30am, read few things about lord ganesha in the internet, and in the and slept praying to ganapathi, that please give me your darshan and please answer my prayers.But again i felt, ganesha may not come in my dreams,as i am having periods now.but, still i prayed to come in my dream and slept off..
suddenly i got up at 4:30am with the following dream…2 big elephants standing in front of my home main gate and i am standing on top2nd floor of my home,with some studying papers holding in my hand,suddenly big wind came and papers in my hand dispersed.i was trying to collect all papers and i saw down of my main gate,2 elephants standing and in that 1 elephant looking up to me,i clearly remember its eyes looking at me, raised its trunk and made a sound of calling “MOOOOOOOO” or i donno, wat ganesha wants to tell me and started coming inside by opening gate…and i got up..
i didnot feel like i slept only, as just i was trying to sleep and i got up with a beautiful ganesha darshan…
but, i want to know, the meaning of 2 elephants..what they are telling me..
ganapathi, thank alot for your darshan in this early morning,inspite of my periods..please ganesha help me in fulfilling my sankalpam.please ganapathi remove all the obstacles in uniting me with my guy.please make his parents accept me as their daughter in law…
thank you for all, who made me realise the importance of worshipping ganesha…
thanks alot ..thank you ganesha…
Om Sai baba , Plz sai baba help me, I belived u deff u will help me, I done mistake in my life without knowingly… now I’m suffering lot for that mistake … I love my hobby I want to marry him As soon as possible plz help me plz….
omsairam ,i was doing ganes virtham for more than 5 years.its he lifted mylife in many ways . i wanted 2 start again. thanks for your reminder .
HI dears,
My friend is facing obstacle in getting marriage. Please suggest Ganesh vrathas/pooja and procedure to fulfil the dreams
Hi dear friend,
i read your story, i felt very sad to know about the problems you are going thru in regards to your marriage.
i had a similar past as you have. i married with my love after waiting for him for almost 16 years. Initial days we loved each other like crazy but somehow after few years he started behaving the same you mentioned, he avoided me & said he wont marry me. and things crumbled down in my life. but my truthful love, my faith in god & patience rewarded me. i got married to him after 16 years on 27/12/2012. i felt i was blessed.
but you know the real story started after my marriage, my husband changed drastically after 2 months of marriage and he started doubting on me. i feel very left out in life but still i have faith in god…. i hereby request you to please continue your faith in god unconditionally. you shall get what is best for you & what the best you deserve in life.
Om sai ram,
Dear saichild,
Jai sai,allah sai.
As god is the best person to decide,you must do what HE wants.
Its sad you only see god in your guy and not in every person.God is everywhere.Please give up the selfish desire of marrying the person you want,your marriage wont most probably work so instead look at people below you.There is so much pain in the world.Why dont you help people who have no money?And no food?
God will be much happier with you thatways.
Service to the poor will take you to god.Forget yourself for the sake of god and make your taking a human birth worthwhile.You need more faith in god.
God bless you.
jai ganesha..
devotee parkavi ji…
for your friend to get married, i suggest you to tell her to do ganesha sankashti chaturthi vrath every month.
nothing much restrictions..but you need to fast whole day,you can eat fruits or if you don’t have strength you can have one time food.i perform ganapathi pooja by placing ganapathi idol on few rice grains and little kumkum,haldi on rice grains.then perform ganapthi pooja,by placing some special grass(garka).i dont know what you call that grass.Prepare modakas, ganesha’s favourite dish.i prepare 11 modakas.and i chant ganapathi sankata nashana sthothram 3 times.(the mantra of ganesha which removes all difficulties and hurdles), and i break one coconut.
then in night, after seeing moon, perform pooja to moon god,pray to moon god.then give aarathi to moon god and ganesha and you can break your fast.i generally have upma around 10 in night after seeing moon god.
one of my cousin said, only the one who is performing vrath should have the modakas.the rest of modakas you can give to cow.and the rice grains also, you can feed the cow.
i told you the way, i do it..if i am wrong ,ganapathi please forgive me..
may lord ganapathi bless your friend to get married soon and happy marital life.
Hi All,
i always use to ask baba for doing each activity / task in my personal life & professional life ( i will write on two papers , on one paper my desire on that task Yes do it i am there for u omsrisairam onsecond paper watever comes to my heart i will write the same on it like ‘No’ omsrisairam its ok i m there for you always.. we donot do this task..)but
i won’t trust him with full of confidence heartfully i always keep a doubt on him but i know that i can’t be able to do anything against to baba’s decision or sayings its true some where my heart holds me & i does not have the capability to cross his sayings…..thats become a weekness and i understand this is the blessings of baba on me atleast in this way he is controlling me to commit a mistake in my life
instead of me baba is holding me always all the time even i do 100s of mistakes againist him what he says to me do something but i keep on doing what i like to do my wish/desired acitivities..his looks like my mother all the time he accepts me………..and with his looks makes me feel peace..when i am disturbed…… him is suffiecient……….baba is always be with you….mm..yes its true Be faith & Patience…shradda sabburu as baba said these two are enough to make our life beautiful………….
Keep smiling …always we know baba for this life……..we are so lucky we know eachother baba this is the good thing and positive thing happened in our lifes…Isn’t it………
With out baba’s blessings we can’t even know him…………………………..
Baba, I know, I am not as great as other devotees.. I just started learning how to have faith in God…Please forgive me for all my mistakes which I have done in this life. Please bless me with the desires which I have requested you…u know my family condition, u know my condition, u know everything, nothing is hiding from you. please help me making my biggest dream come true. i will never lose faith in you, i promise. my life is nothing without you. i need you always!!!!!!!!
OM SHRI SAI RAM please bless me with my desires which iam requesting you for past 3 years.please forgive all mistakes done by me.make me pure with your blessings.I always believe in you.please help me to get rid of this u wat i need.plese bless me with that.pleaseeeeeeee make it happen.iam waiting for ur miracle in my life
please help me ganesha
Our marriage has been in a sort of turmoil right from the beginning. We have got very few good things in our life. But loss, ill health, disaster have been dominating our lives. Dear Ganesh and Sai, please help us to have a good married life.