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Lord Ganesha statue along with beautiful lamp

Sairam friends,

Last evening I had severe pain in my back. I was worried as I wanted to work a lot in the secret project am doing..he he.. and also I have to use my computer at home every night to do something good. My parents won’t allow me to work at night if I get such pain. Further I never experienced such unbearable pain before.

I was also hurt by the way sai showed me a dream and am not able to take proper decision. This has happened to be several years back in 2007 when I created

Anyway, I wonder why Sai plays with me like this. Lets see what happens in the days to come. I cannot ignore Sai’s dream as I have spent several years based on Sai’s guidance.

I was really pained and slept early after taking my Mom’s medicines. I woke up early morning to test if I am getting well and working on my computer. After few minutes the pain started and I realized, when ever I sit for long, it pains. I sat in front of Sai and told him to heal me and guide me properly.

I slept again and had a very vivid dream

It was as if a Ganesha statue made of Mud and also a very decorative beautiful lamp infront of Ganesha is kept infront of my house exactly near the steps towards the Door.The dream was like below Ganesha I found on net but there was only one lamp and it was lit

Lord Ganesha Diya

Lord Ganesha Diya

I searched for a photo in which there Lamps are lit and it seems I have to shoot myself.

There’s no use taking off and staying back home for such pains. I believe Sai will heal me gradually.

Sai bless you friends


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