Sairam friends
Shri Rama Jayam …Shri Rama Jayam …Shri rama jayam
On the holy rama navami day when my father is doing his usual pooja of writing shri ramajayam in his note book, i am listening to beautiful Rama raksha stotram, and writing this leela of saibaba from his life time. Please download or play the Rama raksha stotram below this beautiful Lord Rama and sita photo.

Lord Rama with his consort Sita , brother Lakshmana and Hanuman
Rama Raksha stotram – singer sunder kidambi
Click play button to play
If you regularly wish to listen to Rama raksha stotram please download them in link below.. Choose Download Anyway in Google drive.
Rama Raksha stotram Mp3 download
How Shirdi Sai baba inspires Devotion on Lord Rama :
All sai devotees who has read sai satcharitra of hamadpant know this leela of saibaba but since today is rama navami i would like to present it again.
It could be sometime after 1903…A group of bhajan singers from Madras heared that there lives in Shirdi village a generous saint Sai baba who gives lots of money to people who come to have his darshan . They decided to go shirdi and sing bhajans in praise of all Gods and Sai Baba.
The group consisted of 4 members from same family. Three of them including the husband were greedy and their intention was only to gain money from Sai baba. The wife along was very pure and devoted.
The lady percieved Sai baba as Lord Rama himself while singing bhajans :
Always when we do seva to sainath our inner most intention will pop up every now and then. When all others were singing with feeling that sai baba is going to give them lots of money, The wife was perciving shirdi saibaba as Lord Rama himself and singing with complete faith , respect and devotion.
Sai inpires the lady ( wife of bhajan singer ) with his beautiful leela :
Sai baba always encouraged when someone worships their favourite God / Goddess. To inspire the lady , one day during the Noon aarti Sai did this beautiful leela. While the lady and all devotees in dwarakamai was singing the wife alone suddenly saw saibaba as Lord Ram.
For all others in the group , it was sainath sitting there but for the lady it appeared as if Lord Rama , the consort of Sita devi was sitting . The lady was moved by this Ram darshan of Saibaba and tears started flowing from her eyes. People in dwarakamai were surprised to see the state of lady.
While see continued to see Ram darshan in the place of saibaba, she started clapping her hands in devotion.
Lady described Ram darshan to her husband :
Later the lady told her husband with joy that she saw Lord Rama who had complextion of Blue lotus, adorned with a crown, wearing earrings , garland of wild flowers and wearing yellow dress beautifully. Rama was also holding the conch, discus and mace on his chest was the mark of Vishnu and he was adorned by the Koustubh garland.
The lady said we all thought saibaba is a poor fakir taking alms from door to door but today i saw him as the divine rama.
The husband replied her harshly that when all of them saw sainath how can she alone see rama…he was still in selfish state.
Later the lady realized this..
She used to get darshan of lord rama when she is in calm state singing his bhajans. Then she became greedy . When mind is filled with desire of money then god wont give darshan in vision. Sai knowing the womens pure heart gave Ram darshan and made her realize saints and gods are pleased by pure devotion without expectations.
Friends, In sai satcharitra chapter 29 , the complete story can be read about how saibaba made a change in the husbands greedy attitude also.
Since today is march 24th 2010, I wished to write this beautiful leela of Saibaba ..
Sai always encouraged when you are devoted to Gods you love.
Let us learn to recite Rama raksha stotra regularly..atleast lets listen to this beautiful stotra.
Shri Rama Jayam
Om sri sainathaya namaha
Sai ram sai ram sairam
24th march 2010
sree rama rama ramethi rame raame manorame
sahasranamatha sthulyam rama nama varanane
om sai ram.
sai sai sai,
nothing happened till now
but i wish to come to shirdi with family have dharshan of sai,
now nobody else but only sai can take me out from the downfall now i am
Hi Venkat!
Namaskar! Can you please upload real good pictures of all the gods which can be printed and framed? Please open a special section of these pictures. This will help people living abroad. Also ask your fans and followers to forward pictures of gods to you so that you can post them on your website.
Thanks for the wonderful Sri Rama Raksha Stotram. It is very nice. The pictures of Sri Rama and family is also excellent. Thanks a million.
Dear Venkat,
Picture of Rama with Sita, Lakshmana n Hanuman is so realistic, lively n adorable. Listening to Rama Raksha Stotram sung by Sunda Kidambi resulted in utter peace of mind and true happiness.
Pls do keep us dated with all the info u hv spiritually..thanx to the core
Read the first post of lady saw lord rama in sai baba. The post is awesome since thousands of people have great uplifting and positive experience in their lives with sai leela. I encourage everyone in this world to come to lotus feet of lord shree ram and experience the divine.
Jai shri ram
ramraksha stotra is great shloka .i m obliged to listen it on star thank u
om sai ram , i m really fortunate to listen so many divine mantras and bhajans of sri sri sai nath ji is saibaba’s grace so that i m quoting this messege to millions of sai sri sai nathaya namah
om sai ram ,i mreally fortunate to listen great mantras and bhajans on star really inhance mybinner spirituallty .thanks would be alesser word for these divine powers
Sainath help my sister in her work.Help my parents and bless my family,help and guide me great god.
In my home state, Kerala, Karkkadakam, the last month of Malayalam era, is considered as a poor month, and during that time, Ramayana is read by the people. May Lord Rama bless us….