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Pooja for Lord Shiva and Sai on holy Sani Pradosham day will reduce ill effects of Sani Bhagavan

Sairam friends,

Since Sani Pradosham occurs very few days in a year , worship Lord Shiva and Shirdi Saibaba every saturday to reduce ill effects of Sani Bhagavan.

Pradosham – Holy day for Guru Bhakti and Lord Shiva – Parvathi pooja

shirdi saibaba lord shiva pooja sani pradosham

worship lord shiva and shirdi saibaba pooja on sani pradosham

( Sairam friends, Though a photo of Shiv lingam would have been best for this article, i wanted to use this photo of Shirdi Saibaba sent by a devotee Dheetchitha Devadoss as she sent photos of her sai with beautiful flowers many times. She sent this picture on a Holy Sani pradosham day on april 30th 2011. So to appreciate her devotion i posted this picture . Hope you like it though the saibaba picture has shake what matters is content , our devotion . so use this as inspiration to decorate lord shiva and sai )

Pradosham or Pradosh – Lord Shiva pooja and Shirdi Saibaba devotion :

Pradosham is a day which occurs once every 13 days. You can refer to Traditional Hindu calenders to know the pradosham day of the month and year. Easy way to find it is ,2 days before Ammavasya ( no moon day ) and 2 days before Full moon day will be Pradosham. If Pradosham occurs on saturday , then its called Sani Pradosham.

I humbly request Shirdi Saibaba devotees to worship Lord Shiva, Parvathi and our Guru Shirdi Sai in the evening of every pradosham.

Pradosham timings – Evening 4.30 to 6

Its good if you do pooja like doing abishekam to Shirdi Saibaba statue, Shiv lingam or participate in pradosham pooja in any temple. If not atleast remember to chant

Aum Namah Shivaya

Aum Namah Shivaya

Aum Namah Shivaya

I like to listen and recite Lalitha Sahasranamam as Goddess Lalithambigai is truly a goddess of Mercy. If not you can recite or listen to any lord shiva mantra like shivastakam , Bhilvastakam etc.

How Sai inspired me to recite Lalitha Sahasramam?

Pradosha Purana :

I got below information about Pradosham from – one of the best website for Lord Shiva devotees.

Once Dhevas and Asuras using the serpent Vasuki and the hill Mandhara were trying to get Amrutham (nector) from the Kseerabthi (milk ocean). Then the terrible poison Halahalam came up. All got frightened and pleaded to Lord Shiva for rescue. Being the peak of mercy Lord Shiva ate that poison. Then as per His order they resumed their effort to get Amrutham. They got it on Dhwadhasi (twelfth moon day). Without praying and thanking the God, by whom they got Amrutham, Devas started dancing and celebrating their victory.

On thrayodhasi (thirteenth moon day) they realised their sin of not praying the God and pleaded for forgiveness. The pleased graceful Lord Shiva forgave them and danced between the horns of the Nandhi (holy bull). That time is called Pradhosham. Whoever prays Lord Shiva in that time, Lord Shiva fulfills their wishes and give them mukthi.

During Prodhosha time anointing (Abhishekam) the Shiva deity with the following is considered fruitful.

Hope you realized that because Lord Shiva and Parvathi were happy for the devotion shown on this during this time, its very auspicious to worship Lord Shiva and our Guru on a Pradosham day.

Now lets see why the Pradosham which comes on a Saturday * rarely is more auspicious

lord shiva pooja sani pradosham

worship Lord shiva doing abishekam to Shiva Lingam on Sani pradosham and every saturday

Greatness of Shiva and Guru worship on Holy Sani Pradosham :

In Hinduism, Saturday is dedicated for Lord Shaneeshwara who is one amoung the 9 planets. Lord Sani does good for people who are honest and truthful but because we all would have done some sins in our previous birth and due to our ancestors sins, Sani Bagavan at times might give troubles, obstacles in all aspects of life.

So Pradosam that occurs on Saturday is very very important for devotees of Lord Shiva. You can do abishekam with milk , water, honey etc or atleast learn to recite any small Lord Shiva mantra. Not all can get a opportunity to visit near by temple. So i always suggest to worship Lord Shiva in your mind itself.

What happens when you worship Lord Shiva and your Guru on Sani Pradosham :

I have read in a holy book that when we do pooja for Lord Shiva atleast by chanting whole heartedly “Aum Namah Shivaya” on a Sani Pradosham day, That night the heaps of sins of past birth is burnt or washed away by Shiva due to his mercy and the next morning we will wake up for a better life.

( dont write me your wishes are not fulfilled on sunday morning. what matters is pure bhakti and patience as sai says Shradha and Saburi and the greatest glory is yours friend )

Some devotees worship Hanuman on saturday and also Lord Ganesha to over come the ill effects of Saneeshwara. Thats fine too.

My humble request is Worship Lord Shiva every saturday evening :

1. Worship Lord Shiva -Parvathi every saturday evening

2.You can also worship shirdi saibaba or any Guru in Datta parampara like

Sri Pada Sri Vallabha , Narasimha Saraswati, Swami Samartha and our Shirdi Saibaba. You can read Sai satcharitra and also recite aarti of sainath or atleast listen to aarti.

Apart from Saturdays, Search google to find Pradosham dates of the month or use traditional Hindu calender . Worship Lord Shiva and also our Sainath on Pradosham days.

Never Miss a chance to worship Lord Shiva on Pradosham that occurs on Saturday.

The reason why Sani Pradosham pooja or vrat for Lord Shiva is very auspicious is that Lord Shiva and Parvathi will be pleased by your devotion and reduce or nullify the ill effects of planet saturn – Lord Saneeshwara.

My experience  on a Holy Sani Pradosham day :

I have got to a ancient Lord Shiva temple in coimbatore for Sani pradham pooja regularly in 2005. Later i only used to serve near Dhuni and Dwarakamai in Nagasai mandhir. Today i lit lamps, got lots of Vilva leaves * Bhilva in Hindi. and offered to Shirdi saibaba, Some leaves in the sacred fire dhuni and then went to Lord Shiva sannidhi and offered Vilva leaves for Nandhi.

Then i wanted to serve my Guru sai whole heartedly. So i got into the dhuni tank which was not as much hot as it used to be. Today it rained heavily so i felt ok. I was sweating as usual , stood over heap of ashes and felt

“The greatest spiritual gift i got in my life is doing seva for Shirdi saibaba taking care of his holy dhuni, offering wooden logs, coconuts, cleaning it with iron rods, geting into the dhuni tank and wiping the burnt ashes and then filtering it once every month ”

I felt happy to stand over heap of ashes and took a sack. I started to filter the ashes into the sack all alone chanting

Sai Saraswathi

Sai Saraswathi

Sai Saraswathi

as i have my MBA exams on may 16th 2011 to june 1st.

Then i was chanting Sai Murugan, Sai Shiva and Sai Mahalakshmi.

Its a very tiresome work and some devotees asked me i need help . My friend Vijaykumar warned not to sit inside hot tank and filter udi and later complain baba that you are sick. To me its something personal. My father who had a urological surgery in jan had some minor complications and worst part is he fears a lot for a treatment next week.

Every night he has some problem like stomach upset, dizzyness and i am also not able to prepare for exams . So i prayed Lord Shiva and Sai and was filtering udi. Almost a sack full of udi came by the night shej aarti was over. I had to drop the unwanted stones in the dust bin. So carrried the dust bin in which all devotees dropped their leaves after eating prasad and dropped in the big dust bin.

Then i offered some wooden logs in the holy dhuni and came home peacefully  . Once i reached home my mother said my sister called from U.S and shes also worried about father. So i had dinner, sat near father and massaged his legs chanting ‘Aum Sai Namoh Namaha ”

This evening, i lit lamps to Shiva lingam in my pooja place , recited Sai Ashtothram, Listened to Shivastakam and recited Lalitha Sahasranamam.

I want all shirdi saibaba devotees and Lord Shiva devotees to realize the greatness of Pradosham pooja and especially get into habit of Shiva pooja every saturday. If you don’t have a Shiva temple near by also please go to any temple and be with pure thoughts all saturday night.

Surely Lord Shiva and Shirdi Saibaba will bless you and your family with good health, Good education, good career , peace and prosperity.

Aum Namah Shivaya

Aum sri sainathaya namaha


April 30th 2011

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  • Very god article and a best way to bring change in our life also make our life happy for leading a good life.

  • Dear Venkat..

    Thank you so much for posting my Sai Pa’s picture in your website.

    Every single day i feel iam getting closer to him and he is with me always… 🙂

    I will continue my devotion towards him for my entire life…

    Because am his child 🙂

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