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Lord Venkateswara has blessed me with so much love that none can understand

Written by venkatraman

Sairam friends,

Today, being Vaikunta Ekadasi, I wish all of you remember Lord Venkateswara and chant his holy name. I had always stressed the importance of chanting because I have tried it for the past 16 years and have been blessed with several blissful experiences.

One of those beautiful things about being devoted to Shirdi Saibaba is that he inspires you to worship Gods and Goddess you love. I usually have this habit of remembering the Gods I love and imagining as if I am in their temple. I do it occassionally while I start to sleep.

One of the mistakes most of us do is we relate Lord Venkateswara with wealth and prosperity. It might be true but there’s more to Lord Venkateswara than the prosperity he brings to your life.

Lord Venkateswara melts with devotion. He shows, he too loves you when you keep remembering him.

You can travel, do your day to day activities and simply remember him. I usually chant remembering Shirdi Saibaba and Lord Venkateswara – “Sai Vengusa” because I know the power of these words. In 2007, I kept chanting “Sai Vengusa” on my journey to Tirumala hills. After I had darshan early in the morning, I hugged Sai Satcharita book and slept off. Surprisingly, Sri Venkateswara blessed me with a dream as if he opens his eyes to see me. He told me,

“Crores of people come here to see me. I am opening my eyes for you”

I wrote this experience in detail in this article – Sri Venkateswara – The God who opened eyes for chanting his holy name

I will never forget the way the Lord opened his eyes for me in dream. It was like he was opening his eyes several times and closing it. Like blinking to open his eyes just for fraction of a second and closing it again. The temple was like a miniature of the real Tirumala temple. Also, I saw a priest doing aarti with lamps to Lord Venkateswara.

Normally, people might relate such dream to be materialistic that one is going to be blessed with wealth. I never expected wealth from Sri Venkateswara. I prayed for my parents, Sister and her family and myself to be blessed with good health and a good way to earn my living. And the Lord blessed me with that and something beyond that.

Sri Venkateswara made me realize he too loves me the way I love him. Need I ask for more?

Though it might sound like I am too religious, I can honestly say that I am really not that devoted like many other devotees.

I simply do my day to day activities and once in a while, I chant in my mind. These days, I am not able to chant much because I often speak to friends and make fun. But I have my own way of reserving time to remember Sai and Gods I love.

Value of Chanting in mind

I request you to spare atleast few minutes for chanting holy name of Sai and Gods you love.  You will realize its value gradually. You may choose to chant holy name or Shirdi Saibaba or any Gods or Goddes you like. Simply remembering saints can change your life.

Secondly, these days, Temples are crowded with devotees. Even when people are on pilgrimage, very few actually think about God and show devotion. Even when you are with such a crowd, try to show devotion by chanting in mind.

I woke up at 5.30 this morning and started writing this article listening to Venteswara suprapatham. I also listened to Vishnu Sahasranamam.

Simultaneously, I started working on my Startup project as I promised Saibaba that I will do it.

Lord Venkateswara and Goddess Alamelu has blessed me with so much love that none can understand.

Sai blessings to you and your family


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