Sairam friends,
One of the reason I write about ordinary people I come across in life is that they are truly down to earth and content with the life they lead. This incident happened almost 6 month back when I was traveling from my Office to Shirdi Saibaba temple in Coimbatore. A Man in his 60’s got into the bus and sat beside me. He asked the conductor why the ticket is high to reach the New bus stand? The conductor told him that it’s a Air bus and hence the difference. He curiously saw the ticket again and dropped it in his pocket. He started the conversation asking something.
Then, we started speaking.
I realized he’s not from Coimbatore and enquired about him. He told me that he has parked his Lorry in the place he took bus and going to market to get the money. After few hours, when the Lorries are allowed to use city roads, he will be taking his Lorry with him again.
I asked him where he usually travels in Lorry. He told me that he has driven across India and has seen more than 15 states. So what does the truck carry? He told me that it could be anything.
Example – He used to go to Agra to take 20 Ton load of Potato which comes under 5 Rs a K.G. The same potato is usually sold in Tamilnadu for approximately 20Rs a K.G. He told, earlier they used to transfer money by Cheque or bank transfer but now its all Online. The way he said “Its all online now” made me smile.
(Edit – I read this article few days after I wrote it and wondered if he really said that the lorry carried 20 tons of load and can it? Probably I forgot the right number. Apologies for that. Continue reading.)
I asked him if he regularly visits Taj Mahal when ever he goes to Agra for taking load?. He told me that Taj Mahal is situated just 10 kms from the place he takes the potato load but he has gone there only once. When asked why he replied that he can’t leave the vehicle and go any where.

Taj Mahal, India courtesy of Arian Zwegers, Flickr
I asked him how much he earns?
He told its all commission based. If the Lorry owner books an order to go North India for Two lakh, the two drivers gets 8% each. That’s approximately 16,000/- per trip on reaching back home. I asked what are the other load you take across India?
He said, it could be anything and added, now a days, the roads are much better. So you can transfer anything from one part of India to other with in 5 to 6 days. He took his Driving license and showed me it was dated “1976”. When I write this I wonder if he showed his first Driving license or the one he renewed. He said, “I have been driving Lorry for 40 years now”.
I asked him about his leave. “Vacation” if you want me to speak for western culture. He immediately replied “Of the 365 days in a year, I spend 340 days in Lorry. It’s my world. It has been my life”.
I was touched by his dedication towards his work to earn his living. Ask yourself if you can be this sincere in the work God blessed you with? I certainly don’t have such involvement.
He added “I don’t have any bad habits. So I did all I can to settle my children”.
He’s from a place called Ambur in Tamilnadu and has 2 daughter and 1 son. He said “I arranged marriage of both my daughters and they are living peacefully now”. After a moment of silence, with pride he added ” I gifted a Ford car to my daughter on her wedding”. I could feel the love of a Father, his responsibility and the sacrifice he must have done for his children.
I asked about his Son. He has completed Diploma and working in a construction company in Bangalore. His eyes have gone deep. 63 years is not the age one must be driving truck across India but he must. He told me that he wanted to work more so that he can help his son and also requires money to take care of his wife.
I took a Shirdi Sai Baba photo from my pocket and gave him. He looked into Sai and told me “Oh Shirdi”. He has gone through the highway once in a while. I requested him to Come to Nagasai Mandir since its only near the market.
As our bus reached the stop, we got down. I smiled and moved away with so much energy and excitement. Seems he has lot way to go. “Across India”.
As I walked to Sai Baba temple, I wondered what I have done with my life? I have lived in my own little India called Coimbatore. My Home. Sai Baba temple and the place I work.
Why I did not travel much? It has to do with my family background. I am completely ignorant of people and places of India.
While speaking to me, the Lorry driver smiled several times. An unusual smile which I have seen only while speaking to these ordinary Indians who are dedicated to their work and completely down to Earth. How many times we complain about our life and the work we do? He had no complains. I asked him where they have food while traveling?
He said, since two drivers ride the Lorry alternatively, one of them cooks. I asked him “Do you park the Lorry some where to cook?”. He said “I cook on the move which made me wonder what kind of truck is that? he he…
He added “I cook on the move. What’s more exciting in that?”
I wonder if I can ever be so much excited about the work I do.
Every night, I help my Mother by washing vessels but sometimes, I consider it as a huge task. Am I supposed to enjoy every thing I “DO” in life.
Why I wrote this article on StarSai?
You learn so much from this simple human being
And there’s 3 I can think of now…
- Love – He has sacrificed his life time for sake of his wife and children by working hard driving a Lorry. Being a “Father” isn’t an easy task. Think about how much your Dad would have done for you. He has not ignored you by going to work. He’s gone to work so that he can give you the life he has dreamt for you. Love can be expressed in several ways. Most Father’s have done that by letting you be alone for they have a work to do “For You”.
- Hard work – There’s no better strategy to grow ahead in life than working hard and being sincere in what ever you do.
- India runs by work of ordinary people – Please give respect to people who do such labor work. A driver. A construction worker. Someone who sells on road side shop. Someone who’s facing hot summer to construct your Metro train route or flyover. India runs with these people. We are just peacefully “Using” what they built.
I am getting late for work now.
I feel that I have not seen India yet.
My India is too small as I have experienced little.
My only happiness is that I have reached Sai devotees in every single city and towns across India.
I might have not come to your city or your home but when you read this, I have touched your life.
All I wanted to do in life is to touch lives of millions through my words and what I “Do”.
What a touching story. That man must be a special human being, he was meant to cross paths with you so that you can appreciate what you have. In reading this story, we all should learn to appreciate what Sai has blessed us with. His life is harder than ours and yet he doesn’t complain. How many more million people in India must be like him, just doing their duty for their families! Jai Sairam!