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Sai, I love my Amma and Appa and I believe you will bless them with good health

Sairam friends,

Going to Saibaba temple regularly is a blessing. In Nagasai Mandir, I know few devotees who are regular and smile to me. Couple of days back, I told one of this aunty that I will be going to meet my Sister and she said thank God you told me, else I will be looking for you. I also told my temple friends and some elderly friends who used to speak to me once in a while.

I like a man who served in Water board and got retired. When ever I see him in temple, I will have 2 minute conversation with him. Only very few men are blessed to spend their retirement life peacefully. I really wanted to tell him that I am going to U.S to meet Sister but could not find him in Saibaba temple. I went to purchase some stuff in Saibaba colony and on the way, I went to Bhadrakali temple. I love this Bhadrakali so much far she has a good smiling face. While I was worshipping her, I saw this elderly friend. I told him that I will go to meet Sister. He blessed me and asked me to take care of my parents. I also got his number and only now know his full name – Sathyanarayana Murthy.

I said that I would call him for sure. Something funny about him is this. When he’s standing infront of Dhuni in Dwarakamai, he would say “Baba – Nuve gadhi..Baba. – Nuve Gadhi” in Telugu. I believe it means

“Baba – you are my everything and I surrender to you”.

Then, I met my weekend walking friend Sathyam and we went to near by restaurant to have a chat. More than all other well educated friends, I like this guy since he speaks truthfully without showing off.

You know, I am little scared about making my parents travel so long. Its also going to be so cold in my Sister’s place due to winter. I don’t know how to get rid of this fear. I should not fear because it is Saibaba who has blessed us with this trip. I love my Amma and Appa. They have done so much to me and my Sister. I believe Saibaba will bless them with good health and long life.

Last night, I wondered why I am telling few guys that I will be traveling to U.S in my office. Probably, I see them as good friends though I don’t know them well. Something I have realized is that there are several good guys and girls who are nice but I don’t know them personally.

Last night, I was thinking about all the girls in my office I have seen in dream.

I think, such dreams started from 2013 onwards. There was a girl whom Sai said will get married and she got married 2 years later. I was wondering why Sai should tell that to me in dream since I don’t even know her as a friend. Later, If I like any girl, Sai will tell me, no She’s not for you. When Sai has guided me so much, I am still surprised how he repeatedly showed this girl at work in dream from Sept 2016. This incident alone is really confusing me because even if I like a girl, Sai had only warned me to stay away.

Sometimes, I get really irritated and ask Baba, what’s so good about this girl? Aren’t there any other girls on Earth. I have so many Sai friends across India and my life would have been much better if you had shown any of them in dream because I am pained as this happened in office environment.

Now a days, I also can’t understand why I saw other 2-3 girls at work in dream.

One girl is this girls friend and I often assume its blessing of Lord Shiva.

Another girl is someone I had spoken very rarely but I know She’s good.

There’s another girl to whom I just smile occasionally and I even wrote an article related to her when I saw her in dream for 5 seconds in March 2018. Actually, I unpublished this article as I don’t wanna keep on writing about girls at work. Today, I published it again as I love this article.

How much rights a Brother has on his Sister?

In places like Rajasthan, especially in North India, I have seen families in which a brother takes all the decision for a girl no matter how educated or career oriented a girl is. I don’t call it care. My Sister won’t be where she is today, had my parents not given her freedom to build her life as she desires.

And then, there’s another girl whom I have seen in dream but I don’t even know her name..he he..

Last night, I was thinking what relationship do I have with these girls and why I see them in dream?

There’s a secret behind this which I don’t wanna reveal. This is about how Saibaba works and only few who are always remembering Sai can understand me even if I say.

There’s another dream too.

During 2017 March, when some girl had given a complaint against me and everyone were making it an issue without even my knowledge, I was deeply pained. When I came to know about it, I wondered whom this girl could be. I cried to Sai not to hurt me with such blames. The very same night, Sai showed a girl in dream. I was angered but recently, I feel like Saibaba telling me, even if She has bothered you, please do good to her.

Its like Sai telling me just because a girl has bothered you, you shouldn’t be harsh to her.

Anyway, Do I only see girls in dream?

Sometime in 2017, some of these guys at work met with an accident. The day before I had a dream as one of my friend had met with an accident and Sai is saving him. He often makes fun of me for my dreams but that day he told me “He usually joins them for going out but that purticular day, none called up”.

I don’t know if he remembers this but I know Sai has saved him from a disaster.

Anyway, I office and its people are dear to me because Saibaba often shows some of them in dream. If Sai is giving importance to them, then I should be their welwisher and pray for them.

Last night, I was thinking that I will be really happy when these girls at work get married because I often pray let them be blessed with good husband a nice career ahead.

I am wondering what my experiences would have been if I work in very huge company with thousands of employees? Will I see many girls and guys in dream? Having said that, Sai shows dream of girls who have seen me. So not all would have seen me or even know me.

Yesturday, my Mom was telling me that people think that we are going to America which isn’t right. She told ‘I am going to my Daughter’s home and where ever she lives, we go to meet her”.

I also have the same feeling.

Last night , while packing, I saw the little dress Katya was wearing when she was just 3 years old and came India for 14 days stay with us. I have kept that dress safely in my room. Going U.S is just one aspect of it. Going to meet my Sister, niece and brother in law is everything.

Since its a small town, I won’t be able to meet Entrepreneurs or attend any workshops/events. What matters is the experience I am going to have. We are going to be together as a family after several years.

Well..we will have arguments, we will have all misunderstandings and we will be ourselves. he he…but that’s want makes Indian families.

I will cherish this trip for lifetime Baba.

Please bless my Amma and Appa with good health and long life.

You know I love them and I trust you.

I am going to miss my office and stupid talks I have with my friends during lunch.

I am going to miss Nagasai Mandir.

I will surely miss Coimbatore for its part of my life.

I will be back on September 19th to Chennai and experience India the way it is!

Om Sai Ram


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