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I love my Amma. Please let me work in Coimbatore Sai

Sairam friends,

As I am going through some tough situation at work, I started looking for other jobs. I usually don’t do like others – Typical application to HR etc. That never works for me. I reached out to couple of companies I personally liked to work. By Sai grace, one of this CEO has directly referred me to his Associate HR and asked her to consider me for the job. I thanked him for being so kind and in excitement went to my parents room and told my Amma that one of this super cool companies CEO considers to hire me and the company is in Chennai.

My Father did not say anything. My Amma said “I will always think about you and look for you”.

I told her “I wish to continue working in this place because I don’t get any other opportunities in Coimbatore but I am feeling insecured here as they don’t let me do what I wish to do”.

Its all because of one of this guy who doesn’t want to let me work. I waited 8 years but now I realized that if I don’t take any steps, I won’t even fit in the job market in 2-3 years.

My heart was heavy as I came back to my room. I again went to speak to my Amma. She said “You are not going to U.S. It’s just Chennai. You can visit us once every month. Its much better than living without a job”.

I told my Mom that I will wait for another 2-3 month and see if things gets smooth at my workplace. If not, its better to move.

When I see my Ma, I feel its better to adjust what ever torchure they give me at my current work place and remain calm. I am actually enjoying this too. I mean what ever they do to me because the best thing about me is whatever Sai has told me before hand. Even before 2 years, Sai told me all this would happen and what eventually would happen.

Just that, when such problems actually happen, I feel insecured because what if I loose job? I will be more depressed in life. So its better to have other jobs in hand so that I can enjoy others trying to dump me like a joke!

Sai, I wish to live near Amma. She won’t leave our home in Coimbatore to come anywhere. I should live and work here in Coimbatore. That’s the only way I can make my Amma feel good.

Please do something Sai.

I trust your Sai leela will happen in my life.

Irrespective of all the advice my Sister gave me,I am still the same. I always get into problems. One of this girl used to smile to me and I used to have small talk with her. On Thursday, I told her “You look good today. You should take photo”. I just told his while walking and never had any second thought about it.

It was just a compliment and I walked away. From then on, this girl starea at me as if I did something wrong. I felt bad for complimenting her because I wonder what she thought? I don’t even know why I said that. I could remember that She was wearing a shirt and I felt like saying because I like girls in Shirt. I say this even to guys. I say this to girls I know. I don’t know why should any girl would take it other ways? For this reason, I like U.S the most.

Even if its a stranger, I go and have a small talk to them. I can’t control having small talks even to strangers. Then, imagine how would I speak to people I perceive as friends?

Anyway, India is not for me but I will live here all my life.

If my heart feels heavy to leave Coimbatore then how can I leave India? I am simply saying that I like to move to the U.S after few years. May be, I am emotionally attached to my Nation too. I am emotionally attached to Coimbatore especially because my Amma likes to live in her home.

Sai, I am confused.

Please show me a way…


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