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Like love, a border is real only if both sides believe in it

Written by venkatraman

Sairam friends,

Happy New Year!

My sincere prayers to Sai to bless you with a beautiful life ahead.

Its a very simple New Year for someone leading an ordinary life somewhere in Coimbatore.

I never went out with friends. I don’t have one with whom I can hangout in New year ever for that matter. Sai blessed me with a dream in which my Mom asks if I need more Rice for which I tell her that she’s irritating me. This made me realize that as parents get older, we don’t understand the way they care for us and hence we must try not to shout back at them even when they demand things which irritates us.

From this morning, I watched several videos on Youtube related to borders between countries.

I saw border between North Korea and Russia.

Border between Norway and Russia.

The peaceful borden between U.S and the Canada and several other high tension borders.

I keep asking Sai why he blessed me with a dream of “Sare Jahan Se Acha” over 3 times in dream last year?

I am not able to do good to myself or my own family. Is Saibaba expecting me to do good to this Nation? If so, what should I do? Secondly, if Sai doesn’t show me what I am supposed to do, I won’t be able to work on it.

I have never bothered about politics all my life. 2017 made me worry a lot about the state I belong – Tamilnadu and also other issues India is facing.

When ever I come across news about China claiming vast piece of land from Arunachal Pradesh, it hurts me deeply. If we analyze the whole border India shares with China, the Chinese counterpart has not be honest.

While we try to live in harmony, we only face troubles from such neighbouring countries. 

Having said that, I wish India creates a better worksforce. I am concerned about the way many youngters in India doesn’t understand that their education isn’t enough. This is why I always have this habit of requesting anyone I come across asking for advice as to “Keep learning”.

When I see people playing around looking at Memes and funny videos or what ever crap, I wonder if they are aware of what they can achieve if they use their time for a good cause or for their own growth?

I pray Sai to keep India and Indians safe. Let our neighbouring countries also be happy but let them be celebrate on their side of the fence and we will live on ours.

Like love, a border is real only if both sides believe in it. 

I found a Newyork Times article with the above words and started writing.

Make sure you do something good for the City, Town or Village you belong to. Just one good deed in the name of India will make your life meaningful. 

With that message, let me once again wish a very beautiful 2018 for you and your family.

Om Sai Ram


Edit: I took my parents to a small hill temple of Lord Murugan last evening. My Ma walked slowly holding my palm. We had good darshan. Later, we went to Saibaba temple near my office and spend few minutes there. I dropped them at home and said, I wanted to go Nagasai Mandir and reached there only at 9. I met my friend and talked until 10 PM with him.

Later, I came home and slept off. I woke up at 4.A.M and realized there was no dream. I prayed Saibaba to clarify me about this girl as I spent whole of 2017 worrying about the issue. I hugged Sai book and slept. Surprisingly, I had a vivid dream.

It was like – I was sitting outside a house in a varanda. Two girls – This girl and her close friend were talking to me. They are saying something to me which I don’t remember. Later, I go into my workplace and meet some guys. That’s it. What will I understand from this dream? May be, they think I am stupid for trusting Sai dreams?

It’s better to worry about India-China border and do something productive…he he..

My Ma is not well today. Sai, please heal my Ma.


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  • Jai Sainath

    Sairam Venkat,

    Happy New year to U
    Nd ur family.
    Sai bless you all
    Best of luck for ur future.

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