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You fall in love or like someone for reasons unknown. When things don’t work, please keep your mind clear

Chavadi in Shirdi
Written by venkatraman

Sairam friends,

No matter what happens in life, keep your mind clear. Do not think often. Focus on how well you can grow ahead in life. Focus on happiness and truth. Think of all the good people around you. At-least your parents must be there to show the love you deserve.

Few incidents happened in the past 2 weeks which really made me worry a lot. I related few events and the fact that I got udi from Sai baba. I still believe in Sai and how had been guiding me by blessing me with a dream few years back. At-least in the past 3 years, I managed to keep myself cool and never bothered much about what I get or don’t get in life. I went to a Murugan temple last morning and during noon something happened. I was really depressed and why all this should happen in the last minute. I went to Sai Baba temple which was closed due to Surya grahan. I simply stood near closed gate and worshiped Baba.

Then, I reached home, had dinner and was too much bothered about the events that unfolded in the past 2 weeks. I searched for any of my old Sai friends to talk to and spoke to one of my friend. She was kind enough to say few words. Later, I was really upset since what ever I thought wasn’t right. It must have not happened in such a short period of time.

Meanwhile, Here’s a photo of Shree Chavadi contributed by Naman Agarwal

Chavadi in Shirdi

Holy Chavadi in Shirdi where Baba used to stay every alternative days

Being unkind to people who write me about relationship problem

It’s not that I don’t want to be kind to people who write me about the problems in their relationship. It’s just that I want everyone to be practical. If I write encouraging words, they will continue to believe that everything they desire will happen. I have learned to be practical than trusting Sai will help me no matter what I desire. At times, we must let Sai Baba free and accept him to bless us with disappointment and failures in life. Why should a Saint only give happiness. He has complete control on our life and let him decide if we should get someone in our life or not.

I have been very harsh to people who write me their problems in their love life over the past 3 years. This is something I intentionally did since I don’t want you to believe things which is not going to happen. If your parents don’t like the girl/guy you like, if your soul mate changed the way they cared for you and if someone you love, hurt you, please do not worry too much about it.

It’s Over.

People are like that and not all relationships are supposed to happen. At times, things are more complicated that even Sai feels its better to be silent.

You fall in love with someone for reasons unknown. It could happen over years, months or even few days before everything you dream disappears as unreal. Are you going to hurt yourself thinking about past often?

I want you to keep your mind clear.

I have few good Sai friends and sometimes when I am really depressed someone tells me few words. If you have any good friends, speak to them about your problem. If not, speak to your parents or siblings. If you are a Sai devotee, speak to Baba looking at his photo.

Life is all about accepting what’s comes and letting other live their life peacefully

If someone leaves you, thank Sai for all that happened because you never know how horrible your life would have been if they were with you. You and me just assume, things will be fine if someone we love were with us.

Sai alone knows what’s good for our life

Apologies for not replying many of Sai children’s mails. I just felt that I must not encourage you and let you take practical decision.

I am also as ordinary as you. I am his humble little servant!


You can reach me from mail id in contact page

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  • Om Sai Ram….

    Sai Blessings…Life keeps going no matter we like it or not…

  • Thank u so much venkat for this article. From yesterday night I am really worried and from morning am asking baba why he is not showing me some I open starsai and saw this article which totally answered my worries. Really baba u are always with me. Someway u show ur presence and guide me.thanks baba and thank u venkat to recharge the spirit for leaving peacefully.


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