Sairam friends,
This is a holy Sani pradosham day auspicious to Lord Shiva and Parvathi. I wish to post this expression of devotion of a sai child who wrote me about how StarSai inspired her to do Lamps offering to Sainath in their house.

sri saibaba pooja
How big is your Shirdi Sai Baba photo in house ?
If you see , the Shirdi Sai baba photo is very simple small picture but look at the arrangements she made with the wooden stools to light these beautiful lamps..
There are Sai devotees who fill their house with numerous sai photos. I have seen some sai devotees desire to have BIG BIG sai photos in their house. Fine…its good ..even i love to have but lets realize the fact that having beautiful sai baba photos and statues are not enough..We have to take effort atleast once every month to do simple pooja…atleast offer a glass of water or milk to sai every morning , chant sai sai sai and have the water as prasad.
Lets light lamps with oil, Ghee :
I suppose these are candle lamps and wish to mention ,devotees who are abroad who come to india, try to purchase few brass lamps which is offordable than silver lamps. You can use them to light lamps regularly in your house. If you really can’t get lamps for time being its ok to light candles. I say this because Ghee lamps are very auspicious and theres a beauty in traditional indian lamps.
Ofcourse for offering many lamps you might have to relay on such candle lamps unless you live in india where you can look for earthern lamps made of mud which is used to light lamps lamps .
Now lets go to the mail i received along with Sri Shirdi sai baba photos with lamps offering

sri shirdi saibaba with beautiful lamps offered with devotion
My love for the one and only ” SHIRDI SAI BABA”- GOD of ALL..
I have become a humble devotee of SAI just for the past 9 months only. I used to pray HIM before ;but not been HIS real disciple. SAI is the symbol of LOVE, CARE, TRUTH and ultimate LIFE itself! I never knew about the importance of lighting lamps before SAI. Your site really inspired my entire family and made us do it.SAI wanted me to do it and to make me aware of that HE made me enter your sacred SITE.

Shirdi Sai Baba pooja with lamps offering , fruits and your love
The pictures posted by you on the site was marvellous and so realistic and clearly expresses the level of depth in your devotion. SAI BABA called me to Shirdi only last oct 2009 where i placed my foot on the holy place of HIM. To my amaze, I was deeply and devotionally taken to HIM closer after that. To be frank, came across you site just a month n half back.
Was awestruck and melted on reading the articles of your site. I really thought of expressing my LOVE and BHAKTHI for SAI in the form of lighting 108 lamps. As you say, 100% total surrender to HIS feet is essential in order to gain HIS blessings. FAITH and PATIENCE are the 2 keys to enter SAI’s wonderful BHAKTHI. I truly believe in HIM. HE is always the sweetest GOD!!! In this short span of 9 months SAI bhakthi; I ve always learnt something new in my LIFE daily, SAI has made me see the reality of LIFE and GUIDED me throughout.

sri saibaba shining with the glory of lamps
On seeing HIM my eyes promptly sheds tears of LOVE on HIM. Always chant Sai.. Sai.. Sai.. will make one reach the pinnacle of success in LIFE.. Never SAI lets down anyone. HE doesnt expect anythin except the total surrender to HIM. Once you shoulder all matters on HIM, definitely HE directs you and GIVES you the BEST.
Remember: “Whenever you are in deep sorrow or in extreme happiness jus say SAI, HE simply multiplies your happiness and destroys all sorrows in your LIFE”!!!
LOVE HIM always..
Jai Sai RAM…
Sneha Sundar.
Sairam friends, Feel free to share your beautiful pooja offered to sainath by writing to me from contacts in homepage . Take proper safety measures while lighting lamps too.
Sai blessings to you and your family.
7 : 8 :2010
Thanks for posting the pics on the site that too on an auspicious day! It is presented brilliantly here..
God bless all!
Jai Sai ram..
Thanks a ton for bringing these snaps of BABA to the spotlight of StarSai. It is awesome sir. As suggested we shall try using traditional earthen lamps de next time.
Jai Sainathaya Namah..
realy it’s marvelous. Sai bless u
Hi sneha…
ur love for sai is wonderful..
really the pics brought tears in my eyes
my god!!!!
may baba bless u ever n ever dear..
anna,, thanks for posting the article and pics..
baba bless starsai:)
Hi Manju..
Thanks for ur comments.. It was plausible only thru Sai’s blessings and my source of inspiration was de starsai site that instilled me to light lamps..
Tks a ton to starsai..
Om Sai Ram..
Sainath has blessed you ! i wish you all suceess in life!
Beautiful Sai!
Sai Bless all of us.
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
OMG !!
The 3rd pic on this page is so beautiful!! Thanks for sharing it! I saved it in my pc.
I too shall post pics soon
Jai Sai Nath!
Please accept my gratitude
Sai Baba bola…………………… sai baba bolo……………………
Dagamaga Dagamaga dola Raha hai………………………….
Sai Baba bola…………………… sai baba bolo……………………
Sai Baba bola…………………… sai baba bolo……………………
Sai ram sai ram sai shayam sai shayam
Jai jai Sai Mulla sai , Mulla sai Jai jai sai
sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai…………………………………….
Bolo Sainath maharaj ki jai……..
Om Sai Ram,
i am very happy to give u my experience with Shirdi Saibaba,he isa real Guru,i am his devotee since last 10 yrs,used to go to temple near by my house and pray Shri sai baba,but i beceme his true devotee last yr.
I have undergone 2-3 surgeries in my life,and last was my ectopic(tubal) pregnancy,and after that i lost all hopes becoming mother,but then i prayed Saibaba,to bless me with female child,and after my prayers,i really got pregnant,with in 2 mths,which was unbelievable to even Drs,as my lfet tube had been removed after ectopic,and my age is also in late 30s,so i was very very happy after i have been confirmed of pregnancy.
I had to face many social and family problems after this pregnancy confirmation,my husband didnèt want this child,my In-laws didnèt want this child,but Sai baba inspired me and helped me through a friend who is also a Sai devotee,she and her husband helped me in this crucial time,as i was approaching 40,here in North America,all test regd the normalcy of child,had been done,and the doctors told me that ur child is normal genetically but her size is small,i was all alone to get this news,my friends gave me so much courage ,and Saibaba gave me all strngth to cont this pregnancy.
meanwhile my husband brought my in-laws from India,and call me also back from my friends place,saying that he will accept this child as he wanted female child all the time,i was so surprised that how saibaba changed him,i came back ,but then my In-laws gave me so much trouble ,i was stressed all the time,and it ended up in high blood pressure,and i was admitted to hospital under high risk pregnancy dept,for about 5 weeks ,at hospital also i was praying saibaba all the time,i used to read Sai Satcharitra through,and used to sing aarti along with internet version of Sai baba aarti ,and at last in my 33 weeks of pregnancy drs decided to go for planned C section,and that time i came to know abt Garbhrakshaambigai temple at Thanjavur,through,and i am really thankful to starsai website,i prayed Garbharaksha amigai,and my c section had been done successfully,and i got a sweet sweet loving,baby girl.
she is premature 8 weeks,when she was born,she was only 1 kg,but by the grace of Lord Sai deva,she is 4 tmhs old now,and gaining wt day by day.
i bow to Saibaba,and many many thanks to starsaiwebsite,and venkatramanji for giving referance of Garbharakshaambigai Devi for protecting my daughter in my uterus.
Om Sai Ram
hare ram hare ram ! ram ram hare hare
hare krishna hare krishna ! krishna krishna hare hare
hare sai hare sai ! sai sai hare hare!…….
sai baba pls be with me………for ever…..resolve my problems…..i need a mani as my life patner..
hare ram hare ram ! ram ram hare hare
hare krishna hare krishna ! krishna krishna hare hare
hare sai hare sai ! sai sai hare hare!…….
pls baba be with me for ever…………………!
Sai Ram,
Nice pictures. May sai baba bless all of us.
sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai
sai baba bless you
Thankyou Mr. Venkat for making me feel the joy of lighting lamps. Yesterday being thursday I starded lighting lamps in front of my sweetheart SRI SAIBABA nd vil continue this for 5 thursdays. Thankyou once again may saibaba fulfil all his devotees wishes. OM SAI RAM 🙂