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Mano javam , maruda thulya vegam : Sai made me sing in praise of Hanuman in dream

Sairam friends,

Now a days, I myself get irritated with Baba and tell him “What can I understand from your odd dreams. I interpret myself and living a very strange life.”

Surprisingly, I had a very different experience before 2 days.

I was in deep sleep and suddenly in my dream I saw Hanuman and started reciting the sacred mantra with starts with

“Mano javam ,Maarutha Thulya Vegam”

I could feel that I am reciting the entire mantra though I had never seen or read it before all my life. I woke up, searched for the mobile near my bed and typed the above words. I found few videos dedicated to Lord Hanuman.

Anjeneya Stotram

Sing in praise of Hanuman – Anjeneya Stotram

For many years, Mr. P. R. Ramachander used to mail me once in a while to post his translations of sacred Hindu Mantras. Here’s his translation of “Mano javam , maruda thulya vegam”

Anjaneya Stotra

Translated by P. R. Ramachander

Hanuman , the monkey devotee of Rama, though never mentioned anywhere in puranas or other holy books as God, is worshipped as though he is God himself. He is the son of Keasri and Anjana. But he is more known as the son of Vayu-the wind god.There are also references that say that he is the son of Lord Shiva himself. People throughout the length and breadth of India worship him with great devotion. Here is a small collection of stotras about him.


Anjana nandanam Veeram janaki soka nasanam,
Kapeesa Maksha hantharam, Vande lanka bhayangaram.

Salutations to the terror of Lanka,
Who is the heroic son of Anjana,
Who brought to an end , all sorrows of Sitha,
Who is the king of monkeys ,
Who killed Aksha{1} the son of Ravana.


Mano javam , Maarutha Thulya Vegam,
Jithendriyam buddhi mathaam varishtaam,
Vathaatmajam vaanara yudha mukhyam,
Sree raama dootham sirasa namaami.

I bow my head and salute the emissary of Rama,
Who has won over his mind,
Who has similar speed as wind,
Who has mastery over his organs,
Who is the greatest among knowledgeable,
Who is the son of God of wind,
And who is the chief in the army of monkeys.


Anjaneya madhi patalananam,
Kanchanadri kamaneeya vigraham,
Parijatha tharu moola vasinam,
Bhavayami bhava mana nandanam,.

I bow before the darling son of the god of wind,
Who is the son of Anjana,
Who is great among killers of ogres,
Who is like a golden mountain,
Who is handsome to look at,
And who lives near the roots of Parijatha{2} tree,


Yatra yatra Raghu nada keerthanam,
Thathra thathra krudha masthakanjalim,
Bhashpa vari pari poorna lochanam,
Maruthim namatha Rakshasanthakam.

I pray and salute the son of wind god,
Who brought to end the rakshasas,
Who is always present with eye full of tears,
With head bowed in veneration,
Wherever the praise of Lord Rama is sung.

Phala sruthi

Budhir balam yaso dhairyam nirbhayathwam arokadha,
Ajadyam vak paduthwancha hanumath smaranath bhaveth.

He who meditates on Lord Hanuman,
Would be blessed with knowledge, strength,
Fame, courage, fearlessness, health,
Tirelessness and mastery over words,

{1} Aksha was the second son of Ravana who was killed by Lord Anjaneya
{2} A holy tree of heaven with scented flowers

I felt happy that after many days, Shirdi Saibaba blessed me with a divine dream.

I had lots of arguments with my Father as he asked when I am planning to buy Car. I shouted at him saying I can’t pay EMI and I will loose my freedom to spend money if I buy a car. My parents told that I am not taking any decision and not doing anything. They told me if I want to buy the DSLR camera also, I must buy soon. My Father said I fear for every little thing in life and he was upset with me. So I finally today, I went to Automobile Showroom and got quote for the Car I plan to buy.

Then, I went to Saibaba temple and told him how will I manage Baba? I have fear of driving and imagine that I am going to hit someone and will regret that I harmed someone. My time isn’t good. So I must be careful right? I have this fear ever since I dropped my mom down from vehicle. Ma told me to think positive that everything will be fine.

OK. So….I might buy my new kutti Car in few weeks if everything goes well.

Just wondering how to survive with little money every month?

Anyway, I hope Saibaba will show me a way and even if I buy a Car, I will go by Bus when ever I wish…he he..

This Hanuman’s care for me is really surprising friends. I love him a lot. He has been with me many times in time of need. He’s so pure and heavenly. To be honest, I still don’t know to recite the above Anjaneya Stotra but how did I recite it fully in dream?

This is really Sai Leela because if we keep doing good, all the good things comes into us subconsciously.

If possible listen to this song I found in youtube. The old devotee sings is so gracefully – Maruthiraya vanara gaya – Mano javam, maruda thulya vegam

This sloka has another beautiful lyrics…

Mano javam, Maarutha Thulya Vegam,
Jithendriyam buddhi matham varishtam,
Vatha atmajam vanara yudha mukhyam,
Sree rama dootham sirasa namami.

Maruthiraya vanara gaya namito mee paayaa
Sreeraamache bhajana karitto demaja gunagaayaa

RamalakshmaNa bharata satrugna kaivaari hanuman
ayOdhyaache raajyakareetoo to yeka sri bhagavaan

Rama Janaki krishNa baishmakee radhe govindaa
hare raama hare raama rekumaayi paaNduramgaa

Now, I am trying to recite this sloka and feel blissful in my heart. I feel Hanuman in my heart now.

Sai Hanuman blessings


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  • JAI SAI RAM. Some where in your previous births u must have been a slogam chanter. A real divine blessing. JAI SAI RAM

  • SAIRAM. Had to give you this feedback. There are lots of spelling errors in the Shloka. It is better to pronounce sanskrit words properly. For example :- It should be “Maarutha Thulya Vegam”.


    Thanks for Kindness in informing this Amritha – I hope people will buy a small book and correct themselves by listening to the Mantra.When we write Mantra in English, such issues happen. Hope you understand – Venkat

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