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The real reason why people get married and have children is often forgotten

Sairam friends,

(Hey! Thanks for some of you who wrote me as I had wrote about my Career. I am OK. It’s not too bad. Just that, I am not able to contribute much and if I do something they restrict me with all their ignorance. Secondly, I hate people who show off their authority. I am not sure how to proceed. Sai will show me a way)

I took my parents to Madurai and Tirunelveli – Inbetween, for the first time after several years, my Father took me to Virudhunagar, a small town in Tamilnadu where my Dad’s family lived when until he was in school after which they had moved to Coimbatore. The best part is my Father took me to a small Ganesha temple where he used to sit all day skipping school and got caught later on…he he….I shall write about these experiences someday.

I got pain in my Knee and ankle just for this 850 Kms drive but I am OK now. I drove too fast in the highway and at a point while returing back to Coimbatore Sai saved us for the my mistakes which made me wonder if I created for name sake. My Mom asked me to be careful and not to overtake when the bus was approaching too close to us. I usually respect drivers on road but if someone is showing off too much, I will make sure that I go ahead of them and make them have discipline on road.

I believe, most accidents happens since we take wrong decisions momentarily without our knowledge. Anyway, there are few things I can’t say about “Destiny” and how Saibaba protects us. Are you people going to trust me if I say Saibaba has protected you when ever you travel. It’s not your driving skills. Its the Sai in you who makes you take the right momentary decision. And don’t show off.  Consider people driving along with you on the road as your team mates. Its a small life.

The real reason why people get married and have children is often forgotten

We have gone to my Mom’s place Tirunelveli very rarely in the past 20 years. Only if something is important, we travel. These days, since my parents are not well, we completely avoid traveling. Somehow, my Mom wanted to see few relatives and also her younger Sister who’s sick, we decided to travel.

This purticular younger Sister of my Mom was mentally ill for few years. Her husband took care of her. He passed away due to cancer couple of years back. Her only Daughter is in Chennai with her family. She was very affectionate and requested her Mom to live in her own home and have food from near by mess. Since my Aunt is mentally ill, She could not manage alone. Girls can’t easily take their parents to husbands home without his parents conscent. Hence, my Aunt was made to stay in an old age home.

We left Tirunelveli and drove an hour to reach the old age home. Once we reached the place, we were asked to wait 5 minutes as they said my Mom’s younger Sister is in restroom. Later, we saw her too lean. She has completely lost her weight and herself. Her eye sight is completely gone. She touched our palm and spoke to us. My Mom asked her to have food on time and told her She must have lived happily in her home if she has clear mind and had food properly. She told us that a lady in the hostel used to shout at her. By the way she spoke, we understood that the people in Old age home are not feeding her properly. We gave the care taker some money and requested them to take care of her properly.

What my Mom’s younger Sister blabbered was too painful for me. He said there’s none to take care of her as her husband passed away.

While leaving, my Mom kissed her on her head and started crying. I touched her palm and we started back home.

The incident made me think about a old man I met in Saibaba temple back in 2009. He said that he has met Saibaba when he was a kid. I was too lean, sick and I don’t think he’s alive now. He told me that his parents had taken him to Shirdi changing 4 trains and met Sai when he was 7 years old.

He told couple of things to me

  1. Never accept oil from anyone. I don’t know why he said that specifically to me.
  2. You must either have your Mother or your Wife. Else, your life will be a disaster.

He meant to say –

None can show true affection other than a Mother and a Wife.

I receive so many mails from Sai children about their relationship problem.

One of those things we completely forget while planning to marry is this. People obviously marry to have a family of their own, have Children, live happily etc. But beyond all this, when they get old, they need someone to take care of them. When you are in the last few days of your life, you need someone by your side. It could be your husband or wife or children.

Its very rare that your friends or distant relatives will take responsibility when you get old.

These days, there are Children who don’t take care of their parents as they get old as they live too far or live without love.

For Gods sake, do not worry when you break up or when you face problems in getting married to the one you love. Sai will bless you with a Husband/Wife who takes care of you as you get old.


Today’s dream…

This morning, I had a very strange dream. One of this girl in some other team returns couple of Saibaba photo which I had printed for StarSai. The name also was faded off. She said, a girl has returned this to you as she’s resigning. Meanwhile, I get a call from someone called Harsha.

That’s the dream.

I woke up and told Saibaba, I don’t even know the name of this girl as she’s in some other floor. I don’t understand why I see some guys and girls I come across at workplace in dream. May be, they are going to get married and Saibaba is blessing them. But why should the words – get faded off. Why should a girl return it back to me? I have given this little pic to only one girl at work place in 2013. That too after I learnt that she’s gonna resign from work and I respect her a lot. I don’t want anyone else at work to learn about StarSai as I write about my personal life here.

Anyway, the only girl to whom I honestly wanted to give this little picture of Sai was “Someone” and I might never be able to do it because I am still confused why I saw her in dream.

I visited several ancient temples during my trip and prayed Goddess and Saibaba to give me clarification in this issue. Hopefully, Sai will answer me soon!

OK too late for work

The moral of this article is – Take care of your parents, Husband, Wife as they get old!



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