Sairam friends,
The weekend was very busy with lots of arguments with parents since we went out to a Lord Murugan temple – Thiru Murugan Poondi. When ever we prepare to travel and actually travel, we have some shorts of problems and reasons to argue and now a days, I started accepting it. We had good darshan of Lord Murugan and Lord Shiva.
I wanted to do something at work and fortunately, I got some positive response too but as of now, I will be calm. This is really grace of Sai and Saint Narasimha Saraswati as I am reading Guru Charitra. Now a days, I have fear of so many things and wish to change myself. I can’t fear like this if I am devoted to Sai. I must learn to let go of worries and surrender in his holy feet.
A Sai Sister, Prita Pradhan send me her devotees experiences…
What I liked about her experience is the way she describes the importance of meditating on Sai Baba both remembering his Form and Formless light – Sagun and Nirgun. We are see Saibaba as a saint really carrying the face we recognize but Sai is a divine soul who is not bonded by any form, place or direction. Sai is every where.
Keep meditating remember Sai Baba.
Here’s her mail..
Om Sai Ram,
Life is a roller coaster ride, with humps and ditches at places least expected. What lies in store at the the next turn, only destiny knows.
Expectations and anxiety are faced at every level. And the beauty lies in the fact that, despite our own lives and its own inherent issues, each of us in our own subtle yet significant ways makes an effort to stay focused, positive, hopeful and helpful to others, while we all fight on with our battles of our day to day life.
But our sweet little Divine Healing light in the form of Sai knots His loving fingers with ours secures a beautiful grip. Makes His presence felt in each and every deep breath. He is omnipresent, omniscient and the ruler of the mind.
Whoever prays to Him in whichever form, He responds in just that way. He finds solutions, rather becomes the solutions. He longs for love and devotion while reciprocating with the prompt reassurances.
A simple way to connect with Sai consciousness would be to just close the eyes and think of Him lovingly. With “sarvasva-sharanagati” or complete surrender if any worry is shared or any query is asked, the reply comes bang on! Prompt, precise and to the point. The clarity in Sai’s answers only need Faithful ears to reach. No matter how trivial or silly it may seem.
Sai Baba darshan in Dehradun
I wish to share a cute little incident that happened a few days ago. We had been on a trip to Dehradun. We traveled from there to Haridwar. I have a problem of travel sickness. Even short distance travels make me nauseous and giddy. In this trip also I had good amount of nausea while getting to Haridwar. As these places are located at high altitudes there was little bit of breathlessness also.
I was beginning to feel very sick. That’s when it was lunch time and all my friends were planning to go for lunch in any nearby hotel. I was in no mood for a meal as I was feeling terrible. I felt embarrassed talking about it to people.
So I asked Sai what to do. Silly it may seem, but I just closed my eyes and asked Him if you are really anywhere around and are seeing me suffer, please appear before me. If I see you in any form in whichever hotel we go, I shall take it as a positive sign and shall eat without fear of throwing up in the bus.
An lo and behold! As soon as I stepped into the hotel, at the reception, I saw huge photographs of Lord Krishna with our sweet little Sai in a corner telling me I am right here. (I am sending you the actual photo of what I saw there!) Our Sai was right there. With moist eyes I smiled at Him and thanked Him.

Watch closer for small Shirdi Sai Baba portrait in Dehradun
I had a sumptuous meal and felt totally fine. No nausea and no vomiting followed. I was fit till we returned.
All the Faith that we show on Him, He returns in the form of His blessings.
So let’s all keep meditating on his sagun as well as nirgun forms , for Sai is watching over us all the time!
Om Sai Ram!
Hope you like it friends..Sairam
Om sai ram…love u
Om sairam venkat please update your photo I want to see u at least in photo ur experience with baba is great i would like to share me experience with baba but my english is not good so iam hesitating to share future days i will try to share I would like to write my own story but language problem i cannot express in words but baba is always great and sarvantharyami he is always guides his children he is sankat harana. om sairam
manjula sairam
Om sairam… love u sai.
Om Sai Ram.