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Try to do Meditation remembering Shirdi Sai Baba

Sairam friends,

I started learning meditation and yoga. Not those yoga you get learned from a modern Guru who claims to save the world. I am just learning simple exercises.

This morning, I woke up at 5.30. My Father gave me boost to drink (Have reduced consuming Coffee for past 2-3 years). I was in hurry to go to the place where they teach meditation. I never leave home without telling my mom. Not once. Not in all these years.

This morning, while I drove past home, I realized that I forgot to tell my Mom that I am leaving home. So I called up my Father and asked him to let Mom know am going out.

I am learning from a man who’s 80 years old and he’s quite good. Later, I came to Nagasai mandir and told the priest in Dwarakamai that today I came early to temple.

He was silent because until I say “Datta Maharaj” he won’t talk to me. he he.. From 2009, When I came back from Mumbai, I started using these words “Datta Maharaj” instead of “Sairam” to some of these priests in the temple.

Sai is incarnation of Lord Dattatreya. He is beautiful. When I was in Mumbai, I made this blog –

Most of my blogs are based on my dreams and also the influence I have from Gods, Saints and Goddess.

When I did meditation today in Nagasai mandir, I felt blissful. I am someone who’s restless. I can’t sit in one place and stay calm. Even in Saibaba temple, I like to stand somewhere or roam around. This is the reason I went to a place to learn meditation.

Its always good to learn and practice than simply closing eyes and worrying about our own problems.

To meditate, we should have a Guru who lifts our life force in-between the eye brows. OK. Now, lets not get into those details.

What matters is your desire to meditate. If you don’t desire to meditate,you will easily loose interest in the same.

I will launch an exclusive blog very soon to help Sai devotees learn the greatness of meditation remembering Shirdi Sai Baba. All you have to do is remember Sai, close your eyes and keep your mind calm.

I also have habit of doing Sai Sai Sai chanting while I meditate.

As I walked out of the main hall and took my Car, I saw a devotee who also was about to take her car. During Navratri gollu, I realized that my room is a mess ( Obviously it always is) and I have too many books.

I came across a Sai Satcharita which one of my friend in Delhi sent me. It was a rewritten version of Sai Satcharita which I did not like.

Infact, I don’t like the Sai Satcharita we can buy in Shirdi now a days. I like the edition which was atleast 15 years old. I usually read Sai Satcharita which I bought back in 2005.

Anyway, for past 2 days, I took the Sai Satcharita edition which I personally don’t like to temple as I wanted to give to someone good. Today, I asked this devotee if she has Sai Satcharita?

She said, she already has 2 of them. I asked if she can give a Sai Satcharita to any of her friend which she happily agreed to do. So I gave it to her and started home.

I felt relaxed after I gave the book to her because I don’t want anything to be idle.

A book in home should be read. Else, its better we give it to someone who will read it atleast once.

Wonder why I suddenly started meditating? The past few month, my mind wasn’t at peace. I keep worrying a lot about my past and future. It was like, I was never living in peace. So I decided to meditate.

Why on Earth should we meditate?

I have read hundreds of thousands of mails from devotees about relationship problem. Let me clarify this. As long as you don’t have clarity in mind, you can’t manage issues in relationship.

Sometimes, You should be detached and have a mindset to let go of someone who don’t deserve you.

Sometimes, You should realize that you may not be happy as long as you desire someone.

It’s better to get rid of such painful relationship and move on with your life.

Sit in a place, close your eyes and remember Sai. Deeply remember him. Do it for 20 minutes everyday. You can’t be a slave of any relationship or desire.

Secondly, the old man who teaches me meditation told me 80% of our cosmic energy gets drained when we “See”. These days, we also see lots of messages and videos online.

So our energy is getting drained. Our brain is bombarded with several pieces of information. So we should meditate 20 minutes everyday.

Meditation has no religion or specific Guru.

But when you remember Shirdi Sai Baba and meditate you will feel the presence of Sai in yourself.

I will write more about my journey with meditation in the days to come.

I am upset:

I saw a poster of a false Guru in Saibaba temple today. This man claims to teach meditation and Yoga and looting everyone’s money. I was deeply hurt to see his poster and some hangouts in Saibaba temple.

I told Saibaba that this is too much and now Sai should act fast. I can’t tolerate young girls and guys in India going behind false Guru. I can’t digest this any longer and hope Sai takes my concern in to his list of “Emergency prayers”.

Anxiously waiting for what Sai does regarding my complaint.


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1 Comment

  • Hi Venkat

    Om sai ram
    May sai bless you always
    I am also a small sai bhakt. I just want his bhakti in my life and nothing else.
    Please tell this to sai baba when you connect

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