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My birthday message: Patience

Sairam friends,

Nov 4th is my Birthday. The past 2 days I am complaining to Sai as I lived based on his dreams and his words for the past few years. In few issues, Sai’s words has never come true irrespective of me waiting with patience.

Sometimes, I also ask Saibaba to guide me if my belief is right because his words and assurances in few issues seems to be unbelievable. All I can do is pray Saibaba to help me and do good to my family. I requested Sai to make it soon.

Having said that, if you ask for a birthday message from me, I would say “Patience”. It’s not an easy task to be a Sai devotee. One should practice immense patience. I have seen even elderly people who are matured cannot have such a patience. Since I faced several difficulties and obstacles all through my life, I naturally have this patience in me.

This is the only good nature in me as far as I could analyze.

Saibaba has done a lot to me. He has taken care of me and my Amma and Appa. Just that, Sai does not bother even if I plead to get a solution in few issues. May be, the time hasn’t come and I am not supposed to ask others also about the solution.

Saibaba wants me to directly depend on him for every solution he promised in my life.

So I can’t ask others to help me out. Only Sai can change my life and I wait for his timing.

Sai’s timing will be perfect. So lets hope Sai leela happens in my life.

Two things made me worry so much the past few years.

1.The girl Sai showed in dream from 2016 is still in me. I am not able to forget her especially since I see her as someone good hearted and won’t stop remembering her until I tell all my experiences to her. Sometimes, we should atleast tell people that they are special.

2.Sai has asked me to do Ph.d. I did try to begin my Ph.d but these days its hard to do Ph.d unless we are working as a faculty. Probably, I did not meet the right people to guide me. I hope Sai helps me in this aspect too.

As I get old, my parents health matters a lot to me. I keep praying for their good health. Saibaba is taking care of them. Sometimes, I remember my Sister and her family.

I will be in Bangalore on November 5th and 6th for an official event. It’s going to be fun as I am going with my team.

I pray Saibaba to bless you with ability to have immense patience. You will certainly be benefited.

I waited years for Sai grace and I have always gained from Sai for all the patience I had.

Om Sai Ram


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