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My Experience with Lord Shiva and Shri Sai Baba

Lord Ganesha
Written by venkatraman

Sairam friends,

Now a days, I don’t have enough time to work on StarSai regularly. I have too many things going on in mind. Here’s an experience shared by a devotee.

This is ShivKumar P , I’m very excited after Seeing and the way it elaborates divinity  to all.

My Experience with Lord Shiva and Shri Sai Baba

The path Shown to us by Lord Shiva and Shri Sai Baba, is like highway to the Destination , which again the destination  is lord Shiva and Sai. Devotion is not bound by the traditions of any one religion but it is the universal path to win ourselves in regards Sense of Self.

Once we are with lord Shiva and Shri Sai Baba and we have a Sadguru, once we know they taking care of us even though our experience certain difficulties along the way,it is backed by that sense of assurance they are for us. the sense of longing and our experience of suffering is not the same as we experiencing before .he change the quality of our happiness    and transform the quality of Suffering and the quality of desires  are transformed until we get the Lord Shiva and Sadguru Sai. the desires seem to trouble us unending  and it seem to be self perpetuate , but once we get lord Shiva and Sadguru the nature of desires changes.

We have the desires, but the desires are now fulfilled by Lord Shiva and Sadguru Shri Sai Baba. At the point of edge what happens is, all those desires become expressions of our love towards  Lord Shri Sai Baba.


Here are few photos sent by him…


Shri Saibaba

Shri Saibaba

Lord Ganesha

Lord Ganesha

Shiv Ling in Hyderabad

Shiv Ling during pooja

Hope you like these pictures friends. When you have time, please take photos of Sai in your pooja place and send them to me. I shall post it when I find time.

Sai blessings,


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