Sairam friends
My Amma wants us to go Tirunelveli to see new born babies of my two cousins. I always go with parents when ever they wana go long distance. I was born in tirunelveli but i call my hometown as coimbatore as i love it most. I have a habit of teasing the tirunelveli accent so much that my cousins also join me. I miss my grand parents who invites saying “yelu venkattu summa irukia” -venkat are you doing well….
Anyway now a days most people are educated even in villages and india lost the beauty of village life. So what really is education. Something we do to get a job that we think can make our life and standard of living better. Honestly i wish every farmers,labors and people doing small business to educate their children but these people must also realize the value of their land which fed them for years.
You sell or ignore your green land to educate your children. Fine. But if every one ignores their land and fly to cities and abroad then after few years all our green land will move to people who exploit it. India needs food to feed her growing population and the land that fed you for years has to be saved. Several centuries back when europeans came to india in ship for first time, they were amazed to see a was like a treasure land to them. Trust me. Even today India is treasure. Our people are our treasure. We are are treasure.
At times i see our over population positively…Was there so much love here for children that our ancestors had several kids. One reason for having several kids is cause those days kids die due to disease and parents wants to make sure they have a surviving child. I used to joke to my friends that for all our great great grand parents there would have been a delivery at home every year. Mala varudho illayo, new baby will come. On time. Every year. Today you look at the crowd in fertility center across the nation. Not all couples are gifted with child easily. Every week i get at least one mail requesting prayers for child. The best part is a fertility center itself was seeking for prayers. Doctors really help and you must consider seeking their guidance along with prayers and pooja. Now i shall come to my train journey. I had lower birth for all of us. An elderly parent were travelling and their daughter came for send off.
As soon as the lady saw me she asked if i can take upper birth as her dad has nervous problem. I usally saw no for requests but after a while i asked them to sleep in my place. The old lady told all stories of her family. Several years back Her daughter was married to one who lives abroad and she said how painful it was to leave my daughter away. My girl slept near me for 21 years and suddenly i missed her. I cried every day and when she was pregnent i got passport in 22 days to take care of my daughter. This is part of indian culture past several years. Lufthansa airlinesla poradhu paadhi kutti onsitela vela paakudhu…meedhi perusunga ponnu illati daughter in law pregnanta irukumbodhu poraanga.
Half the crowd in lufthansa goes for work onsite n rest are old parents who go to take of their pregnant daughter. Secret of how german airline makes money from our indian relationship. Dint i tell you..our people are our treasure. Its the same for every airline. The secret of world economy is love…Its mothers love on her daughter and son. Coming back to the old lady in train, she told now her grand daughter is staying in a college hostel in coimbatore journalism and mass communication and they had come to see her. Thats the story.
My friends in Indian railway station
I went up and tried to sleep but could not. The train stopped in erode railway station. I got down, walked to a platform shop and got water. The shop keeper dint had change so he gave kadala muttai…my favourite…chikki as they call in north. As i opened the pack a dog came near me wagging tail…i dropped a peice of sweet but it dint ate. I made sure train dint move and got a pack of biscut. Two dogs ate them happily. How happy i felt to get friends like this in a railway station i could spend only few minutes.

My friends in Indian railway station
My cousin had come to pick us and we reached their home. We plan to meet relatives and then to Thiruchendur Murugan temple. In this area cows come infront of houses. My cousin gave them water and a little cow was like the one i saw in dream yesterday.

Mother and her cute little cow
Why i wrote this article. It has nothing but it does have something. Its story of an ordinary indian. We all have stories to tell the world. I do respect tirunelveli for no matter where i go,this is where i was born. One fine morning of november 4th…last year when i came Tirunelveli we went to theatre to watch spiderman. We came to balcony and saw a hospital. Lakshmi hospital. My mom had said its where me and my sister were born. My father was in Tirupathi and he wanted me to be someone like sir c.v.Raman and named me.
My sister fulfilled my Dads dream of becoming a scientist. When every one in u.s calls her by her last name Chandrasekar my father proudly tells his friends and sisters… they call her by his name.
I am ordinary Indian i only know to spread love
Hey mere data give peace and happiness to all saidevotte.