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Never create big expectations about Career and Business opportunity you provide. Be kind to people who work for you

Sairam friends,

Today I was happy. I kept making fun and reading once in a while.  Some one told me about few happenings and I felt sorry for few ……………… though I don’t know them personally.  I really get upset when I learn about how these people treat some …………… and it doesn’t sound good to me. Over the years, I had faced several set backs in my career and due such experiences, I have got few principles.

1. Never create expectations in anyone’s mind about a good career or growth unless you know its going to happen. You can motivate people but make them accept the reality of life. Let them know nothing is permanent.

( Some people cannot bear failures. So prepare them to accept it and never promise them big. If you do promise, help them when they fail.)

2. Never spoil anyone’s career in the name of opportunity. If you give opportunity to someone, give them time to perform better and pay them decently.

3. Be clear about what you want to do with your resources.

4. If you know that you are hiring someone simply to throw them away, better tell them before hand so that they won’t have any expectations in their mind.

5. Never give any opportunity and grab it back ( It happens to everyone from freshers to seniors with years of experience)

I wish to follow these principles in my life but honestly a business will face lots of ups and downs. At times you might have to lay off. Companies don’t see employees with emotional context. To them, its a matter of Money, sustainability and growth strategy based on which they either keep or throw away an Employee.

So I myself may not be able to follow these principles. I agree, There’s no space for emotional context in Career and Business but we can certainly make sure, we behave good to people and make them feel positive.

There are companies which help employees find a better job when they lay off. You don’t have to do so much. At least be human to people who work for you. Give them the respect they deserve.

I wrote this especially because many Sai devotees write me about problems in their work. Some about the insecurity they face in their organization. Some about the issues they face.

No matter what your problem is, keep away from it once you reach home or out of your work place.

You have a good future and Career problems are most common of all.

It comes and goes .

Try to stay in the Job as long as you can. Make sure you have an alternative if you want to quit. Please hold on.

You must learn about Karma Marga – Path of Works.

“Work without expecting any result be it appreciation or success or profit or what ever. To work alone is our duty”.

Keep enhancing your knowledge and skills. It will help you someday.

Sai Bless


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1 Comment

  • I think most people accept reality that they may lose a job due to economic conditions etc. What is difficult to accept however is how they are treated when being let go. There are decent/dignified to do it and then the common American way where they give 1 hour or less to pack up and they escort the employee out even though he was there for 25 yrs!

    That’s inhuman I feel. It destroys one’s self esteem and makes it hard to find a new job with that lost self esteem/confidence. May Sai protect all and provide for all. Jai Sairam!!

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