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I never lost a thing because I live by Sai dreams

Sairam friends,

Sai dreams started happening in my life initially in 2007. I used to see dreams just few times a year. Gradually, after 2013, I started getting dreams almost every night.

Many of you think I actually see form of Sai and get a message. That hardly happens. I just see a strange dream and interpret it in a way that makes sense to me. Sometimes, I would have not rightly interpreted the dreams too.

Why would i trust Sai dreams so much? It is because I have realized how Saints are living inside ourselves.

Sai is a beautiful antaryami. Sai lives inside you and me.

There were dreams which helped me on big issues and there were few dreams which helped in small issues too. I can’t count number of times I have been saved from critical situation because I went by Sai dreams.

The only single issue where I went wrong was the girl Saibaba showed in dream from my previous office from 2016. Surprisingly, the past 3-4 month, I never saw any dreams related to her.

I still ask Saibaba to answer me for those dreams because I wrote to her based on what Sai told me and its honestly bothering me that I got into a mess because of my Sai dreams.

Now that I have never seen her for months and not even part of the past company, I still don’t pass a day without asking Sai to give me a clarity on why he showed some stranger to me in dreams and it continued for over 3 years?

There are other dreams in which Sai told me to work on my Startup. I did started my work for it. As of now, I am OK with a full time job.

Once my Father wanted to go to Chennai to visit his elder brother for a family event. Sai showed a dream as if my Dad will get fever if he travels. I did all tantrums and made sure we don’t go to Chennai and told him some odd reasons that I have some work in Office on a Saturday.

I won’t discuss all my dreams with my parents too because they sometimes ask me not to always speak about dreams. Well. No one will understand me. I do what Sai asks me to do.

When I was in U.S last year, Sai showed dream about my Sister’s health. I won’t directly say this to my Sister but all these days I keep asking her to go for a walk, have healthy food and make sure she doesn’t worry much about her grant for her research.

The only stage I have not crossed is doing some good deed beyond Sai. I have replied to hundreds of thousands of Sai devotees mails in the past 14 years.

But these are not practical help. I wanted to do a project where I could directly impact someone’s life.

Example – 6-7 years back, Sai asked me to have a trust for Indian Army veterans and martyrs. Until now, I don’t have a framework on how this can be done.

So basically, Some dreams are for what Sai wants me to do in future.

These days, I am starting to come around Dhuni regularly since its raining in Coimbatore and I feel its better to stay inside temple. Secondly, I am feeling nostalgic remembering my 2005 days when ever I come around Dhuni.

I started packing for my Singapore trip. Its 10 days away. Hope to meet any Sai devotees in Singapore but may be not because its official trip. Few years back, I was invited to London by few Sai devotees. I ignored it because I don’t want them to spend for my travel.

I should probably go on an official trip and also when I am free I should meet Sai children.

I live by Sai dreams and I can assure that I never lost a thing because of this strange life I lead.

Om Sai Ram


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