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Never be too smart and matured to everyone

Sairam friends,

Last night, I was at work until 9.30. I am not going to Saibaba temple as before. I either chat with friends or keep reading something until late night and go home. While I was in the parking space, I stopped for 5 minutes looking at the building and was thinking deeply. I do this when ever there’s no one around as I like being in a lonely place.

Once in a while, when I am thinking about my life, suddenly a fear would emerge in me. I would feel as if I have chest ache. I reached home and told my Mom that Indra surely wants you to come to U.S. So I have to do Visa process. I also worry if I would get leave for a month.

Later, I came to my room and was speaking to Sai in my mind. Since I felt painful, I wanted to divert myself. I usually watch a Documentary or read something. Yesturday, I felt like analyzing why I get such a pain occasionally?

I slept little early at 12 last night remembering Saibaba.

Never be too smart and matured to everyone

One of my nature is to have stupid conversation with a few friends who are close to me. I purposely avoid being with guys who speak too matured always. You can be with people who act smart and talk seriously for few minutes but certainly they can’t make you feel relaxed. So try to be stupid and choose friends who would like to have stupid and funny conversation. he he..

I have a habit of imagining something and saying making stories out of it. Since one of my friend bought a new Car, everyday, I go to him and tell a ‘Driving tip”. Every tip I give will be irritating him.

One strange culture I found in the organization is this.

If a Ginger eating money has any friends, he will forward those profiles to recruiter and give them a senior position in the organization. I have seen more than 3 such placements so far. So yesturday, I told asked my friends..

Do you have any uncles or aunties or friends with 15-20 year experience? They must have worked in big companies in past. Due to personal problems like fight with husband or wife, they must prefer to settle in Coimbatore. The only thing they must do is become friend of a Ginger eating monkey. They can certainly get a job in the company with a high paying salary.

I make several stories like this everyday to have stupid conversation.

I have also tuned my friends to speak stupid. Tuning people to be like you is also important. Else, they will never be part of all the fun!

So be foolish. Be stupid and never be too matured to everyone.

Since I have a feeling that I have chest ache suddenly, having such fun helps me to relax myself.

There must be a few in your life with whom you can have silly conversation.

Small acts of kindness

I usually find it hard to take U turn while I am in car as none are interested in giving way for others. Yesturday, while I was having sandwitch, I found a girl waiting more than 5 minute to take U turn. I told my friend that I wish to help this girl and went near her car. When there were no vehicles, I asked her to turn. She also went. Every now and then, I look for opportunities to do this small acts of kindness. Its afterall not going to take much of my time and I feel happy.

I am going to remember Sai and all the Guru in Dattatreya lineage today.

You can learn about them here

Om Sai Ram


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