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No body likes a Leader,Manager, Teacher or Sai in all aspects

Sairam friends,

Tell me Honestly. Did you like even your best Teacher while you were in school and college in all aspects?

May be you did but am sure you did not like few teachers or mentors.

And then for those of you who are doing a job…

Did you ever completely agree with all that your Manager tells you. How many times did you and your friends in team/office criticized him/her?

How many of us do some work and complain how stupid is the Management? Its like you are very clever and they know nothing and they are going to fail just because they are not as smart as you.

If you are doing business…

I am very certain all these Government policies and rules will sound like a obstacle for your growth. But some Leader is going to lay down these policies which is good for the the people as a whole and not the one who does business.

I write this article because many times, we ourselves get hurt when Shirdi Saibaba is not fulfilling our  desire and when Sai seems to be silent and not really helping us.

So why do we have such thought.

Its basically because a Guru is in the place of  –

a Teacher,

a Manager and

a Leader

Sai might  seem to let us fall down in life.

You might fail in your studies, career or business.

You might even wonder how can Saibaba let you fall when you have been having immense faith in him?

How can you do it to me Sai?

There is a time when every one of us question Sai for not having answered our prayers.

So why is Sai so rude? Does Sai really care for us?

In every failure and every disappointment, there is a lesson which Sai wants us to learn.

One of the sweetest thing about Sai is that he has once said “I don’t have disciples. I just have devotees who follow me.”

Probably because disciples accept what ever their Guru does but devotees won’t. All of are selfish and centered in our own welfare and life. When Sai is not able to bring us happiness and satisfaction, we obviously won’t like him.

Some devotees have experienced Sai leela so much in their life in past. Even then, they get irritated with Sai when their present condition is bad. So what can Sai do. He can only show his presence in life but you want Sai to change your life for good.

You don’t like him.

I myself don’t like him at times.

I ask “Why on Earth you make me go through so much suffering?”

Don’t you have heart to do good to me.

I go back to Sai because…

I can’t stop loving Sai . I love him for he has shown what life is? What failure is and in every experience I had faced, Sai has taught me a lesson –  To love Sai when he does nothing good to me.

Its true.

Sai is a slow giver but when your time comes and he decided to give, its yours for lifetime.

Let us learn to have patience.

Shradha and Saburi must be the two eyes of every Sai devotee. Immense Faith and Patience will bring you peace and happiness in life. Till then, hold on to holy feet of Sai.

Sai blessings,


Always in the holy feet of Shirdi Saibaba

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1 Comment

  • True and well said. Faith and patience made to do my own work. Without sai I am nothing. My
    Love and sincere prayer at his feet. Sairam. Blesses us all.

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