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When you are not happy with the way you look…

Written by venkatraman

Sairam friends,

If you are a pretty Women and handsome Man, this article is not for you. This is for my Sai children who are bothered about their looks.

One of the reason I admire Anjalina Jolie is because of her contribution to humanity. She is Goodwill Ambassador for UNHCR and has  donated $1 million to Doctors Without Borders, an international medical humanitarian organization created by doctors and journalists. In 2013, Anjalina created Breast Cancer awareness by under going preventive double mastectomy.

Her article in New York Times reads as below

MY MOTHER fought cancer for almost a decade and died at 56. She held out long enough to meet the first of her grandchildren and to hold them in her arms. But my other children will never have the chance to know her and experience how loving and gracious she was.

We often speak of “Mommy’s mommy,” and I find myself trying to explain the illness that took her away from us. They have asked if the same could happen to me. I have always told them not to worry, but the truth is I carry a “faulty” gene, BRCA1, which sharply increases my risk of developing breast cancer and ovarian cancer.”

Why would I mention about breast cancer today? This is because I had a dream this morning in which Sai made me realized he’s so caring but want me to write about people who worry about the way they look.

Meanwhile, Hope you like the featured Saibaba photo contributed by Sowmya. You know why there are so many Sai devotees in Andhra,Telangana? It is because of the contribution of Sai Baradwaj popularly known as Sai Master. He’s the one in the little photo near Sai. He was an IAS officer. Quit his service and joined a school so that he will have time to server Sai. He spread Sai devotion across Andhra which is why Sai movement started as early as 1980’s in Andhra. It happened only in late 90’s in Tamilnadu.

When you are not happy with the way you look…

Now a days, I see people comment on others looks very frequently. You look like this..You look like that..You have put on weight…You are loosing hair. Fine. Your friends can tell what they feel about you. But are we addicted to some kind of “Media Portrayed’ version of beauty?

Being slim, Having a “V” shaped chin, Sharp eyes, little ears, long hair, fair.

Not all of us can match the way popular media has made us believe what “Beauty” and “Handsome” actually is.

More than 91% of American Women are not happy with the way they look.

Some feel they are awful, disgusting and bad shape. When you are not happy with your body image, it leads to depression. Many youngters across the globe are going through such painful state of mind that they don’t look good and hence are going through several.

I agree that its important to keep yourself fit. When friends say that you are putting on weight, you might take steps to do some physical work, exercise or may be a walk in the morning. On the negative side, they are also putting you down by comparing you with the the media portrayed version of being ‘Beautiful” and “Handsome”.

You can’t stop others commenting on the way you look but here are some requests from me

  1. If you don’t look good according to you or others, fine. That’s how you look. Be cheerful for what you are.
  2. If you are healthy, be thankful for that.
  3. Take steps to keep yourself healthy but not to please others with your looks.

And then, there are couples who have issues because they feel their husband/wife doesn’t look good enough. I remember one of my Sai friend kept telling me that her boy friend always asks her to slim down about which she was hurt. Later, she did not marry this guy. In love, you can’t expect perfection.

Do you know how many women write to me the moment their husband is hospitalized because of a major health issue? If they had married this men for their looks, they can’t take care of him because once you lost your health, you start to look bad.

So before getting married, remember your husband/wife is going to loose their charm at some point.

Ask yourself “Will I marry this girl/guy even if he looks bad?” 

When your life is running smooth, you have time to think and worry about looks.

I saw this TED talk by Model, Cameron Russell.

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