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“Om Sai Ram”

Sairam friends,

One of my Sai friend Swati from Noida told me she’s getting interested in writing and has started writing articles. So I requested her to contribute an article for StarSai. Today being Rama Navami, I felt happy she mailed her small article about Shirdi Saibaba.

It is said that the name “Om Sai Ram” has got a very powerful and superior meaning.  When chanted, keeps you away from all sort of pain. The more you get closer to him, the more you experience his miracles and feel his presence. I feel delighted and there is peace in my mind while I am writing this. I feel blessed and thank Sai to provide me with the various comfort levels in life.

Whenever I visit Sai mandir, the environment is soothing there is peace and a positive aura along with the pleasant fragrance of the incense stick. He is the almighty and has always been there with me whenever I needed him the most! Whatever he does is for our good and happiness. Our suffering are the outcomes of our karmas that we made in our past life as I read in “Baba May I answer? “.

He is ready to take our burden, and his soul is active even after leaving the body. There is a quote which I read in one of the Sai pages and wanted it to be shared:

“Dear Baba, your holy feet are my only refuge from all these worldly troubles! You are my rest, my redeemer, savior and trust. There is no one equal to you, nor will there ever be.”

Baba you are the almighty you are going to protect us from all sort of disasters waiting for us.

Please stay with us and help us walk in the path of truth.

Om Sai Ram


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    Feel great and blessed too. I know HE is with me all the time.
    I’m having a piece of mind and not afraid anymore.
    I know HE is there for me whenever I call upon HIM for help.
    I LOVE SAI more than just words can say.
    Thank you SAI…what else can i say.

  • om sai ram…….
    yes, there is no one equal to him. he is every thing.
    even i feel when is see my sai baba, my dear baba. he is everything for his devotees…………………….,
    baba, never he is has refused or disregarded is his devoteeeee……………….,
    in this, world no body is ready to take any ones burden, but our sweet baba, datta……….., our guru., he runs to his children”s and ready to take any kind of burden, never borthering anything. he is god for thos who have believed him. He never leaves his children in half the way, though sum time we do so……………….,
    to all sai devoteeeeeeeee…………………’s we are all lucky to get such a mother. mother is always pricesless………….,

    Thank u baba.,
    sai baba. om sai ram. by saying itself really, I forgotten all my pain for while.
    And he give’s inner strengh………….., and he says me, that he always with me and iam good child of him.
    He assure me and even me want to be a good sole under his feet……………………………,
    Feel happy today that iam able to tell……………….

  • Om Sai Ram,
    whatevr swati has said above is realy tru,no 1can like Sai Baba g,He alwyz shows His presence,support whenvr needed.I m realy realy vey grateful to Sai Baba g,I love u Baba realy lv u,nvr evr leave me alone.

  • Thank you for the simple reminder of chanting Om Sai Ram and it’s power. It brings tears to my eyes that millions love BAba and experience that kindness and unexplained sense of joy when we see Baba, think of him, talk to him or pray to him or look at the photo/idol etc. Such is the power of almighty! Jai Sairam!

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