Sairam friends,
Pashupatinath temple in Kathmandu, Nepal is located near the banks of holy river Bagmati. Thousands of devotees visit this temple on Maha Shivratri day.
Shirdi Sai Baba blessed me with a dream of Pashupatinath
Today, I took my Father to Aravind Eye hospital in Coimbatore about which I wrote in one of my previous article – God gives pains to you and your dear ones because…
He was very adamant and told me that he will come to hospital only by Bus and not a taxi. I could not argue with him and took him by bus because somehow I want him to do cataract surgery in his right eye. My father worked as Manager in transport corporation. More than a decade of his retirement, his DNA still has six tyres (of Bus) embedded in it. We will be doing the cataract surgery on Thursday. I reached home, had lunch and worked few minutes. Then, I slept off deeply hugging Saibaba asking him to guide me.
I was blessed with a dream in which I saw myself going to several holy temples. I also see one of my friend. Then, I see myself in a street where everyone are telling that I am successful in life only because of their favor. I run away to a huge terrace. There, I see a very divine temple and was thinking “How ancient is this temple and how they have kept it safe for hundreds of years”. Then, I am showing my friend that the distance between a temple in South India and Pashupatinath temple in Nepal is not too far.
I woke up and understood Sai wants me to do pooja for Lord Shiva during Maha Shivratri. Further, My Dads elder brother had given us little photo of Lord Pashupatinath which we kept outside in Varanda while cleaning. I found the photo and took it inside the hall and offered a white flower to Lord Pashupatinath.

Holy Pashupatinath temple of Lord Shiva in Nepal – Photo used with courtesy
About Pashupatinath temple
According to Wikipedia, Legend says that Lord Shiva once took the form of an antelope and sported unknown in the forest on Bagmati river’s east bank. The gods later caught up with him, and grabbing him by the horn, forced him to resume his divine form. The broken horn was worshipped as a Linga but overtime it was buried and lost. Centuries later an astonished herdsmen found one of his cows showering the earth with milk. Digging deep at the site, he discovered the divine linga of Pashupatinath.
When ever I ignore any major festival of importance, Shirdi Sai Baba blesses me with a dream to celebrate the festival by worshiping God during that day doing pooja and chanting mantra. I know that Mahashivaratri is nearing but did not have any plans for it. Usually, my father serves in the colony Siddhi Vinayaka temple where there’s Shiva in the form of Vaidheeswaran (The healer). My Mom does Abishekam (Holy bath) for Shiv Ling at home with milk and water.I worship Shiva temple inside the Sai Mandir itself. This year, I plan to remember Lord Shiva by chanting his holy name as much as I can.
The Mahashivratri on Tuesday, March 8th (The Night of 7th is Shiva Ratri) is very auspicious since it occurs on both Chaturdashi and Trayodashi thithi. Further, it’s going to be Monday auspicious for Lord Shiva. I request all who read this to remember Lord Shiva and try their best do pooja, light lamps, listen and recite Shiva mantra during this Mahashivratri.
Here are some of the experiences in which I had Lord Shiva in dream in below links. Even I forget the experiences I had and only when I read these articles, I remembered how Sai and Lord Shiva has been kind to me by taking me in their wings.
Giving Food means a lot to Shirdi Sai Baba and Lord Shiva
Saw Shiva Lingam in the place of Shirdi Saibaba in dream
Lord Shiva taking alms from Annapurna Devi
Pooja for Lord Shiva and Sai on holy Sani Pradosham
I also wrote an article about Temples in Nepal in this link – From Nepal with Love
When you are devoted to Shirdi Saibaba, he takes you places. Sai took me all the way to banks of river Bagmati in Kathmandu Valley in dream today.
Hope you have a great time worshiping Lord Shiva during this during Maha Shivratri
Om Namah Shivaya
Om Sai Ram,
thank you for sharing this info about temples in Nepal…place and temple as well as the Shiva status it self looks unique and beautiful.
The architecture of temple is very much similar to the temples in Bali… There the temples open only for the hindu festivals.other than that it will remain closed. But entry to every temple is a paid visit…but it has to be mentioned that the temples were so clean n such a good experience it was!!
Like our bharathanatyam, the below link is their way of narating ramayanam:
Their way of worshiping is also different..In every vehicle they had a plate with flowers, biscuits and agabathi…which they offer to God before starting their car or van.
Your article reminded me of 2 points:
1. Annadhanam
2. March 8th – shivarathri planning
God bless…
Om sai ram..
Om namo shivaye