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Sairam friends,

I wanted to do lots of good deeds but I am not getting enough opportunities. I am going through lots of worries these days and don’t know if everything is going to be smooth.

I trust Sai’s dreams even in my Career which is why I am being calm and continuing the same job irrespective of all the discrimination I face. It was a dream I had almost 2-3 years back.

Secondly, when I was in the U.S, I had 2-3 surprising dreams. It literally shocked me and hence I will write about it only when the dream comes true.

I will tell you something. Patience is my only good quality. I have lived all this life with immense patience. I had faced several hardships both in my personal life and all that I aspired to do professionally. Irrespective of the sufferings and difficulties, I had stayed positive and maintained immense patience.

I want all of you to maintain such patience. Never quit your job or anything you do just because you feel frustrated. Sit back and watch how the game unfolds. Sometimes, I laugh to myself looking at how people behave.

They have recruiter one of this senior V.P. When ever this man looks at employees in top management, he will shout with excitement “Hello….hi..hey”

If he looks at people in ordinay jobs, he will not bother.

If you are in a leadership position, you should learn how to greet people and how to speak.

I think some idiots are unnecessarily honored too much in our country.

The way he shouts in the name of greeting others is honestly funny.

One of my friend told me, he seems to be mentally retarted…lol

And couple of days back some event happened where I learnt a lot.

1.Sound design is often not taken care in most Indian events. People just play some songs and it really irritated me to core. If there’s an event you are organizing, work on sound design as much as you work on other aspects.

2.Speaking on stage infront of a huge audience needs practice. I usually get nervous when ever I had to speak to a crowd but somehow, I manage.

Thankfully, I had never faced a situation to address a huge crowd. I am not a good speaker and don’t have presence of mind. So I should either practice or atleast prepare to keep my mind focussed on the message I am going to deliver if at all I am in a situation to speak.

I really got pissed off by someone shouting and yelling into the microphone in the name of speech.

If you are in a leadership position, you will be in a situation to speak. So maintain an emotional stability and calm down while you are speaking.

Don’t be excited and don’t feel low. Speak clearly and not loudly.

There’s a microphone doing that job. You don’t have to yell!

Practice speaking by making 2 minute videos on the topic that interests you most. Speaking is a very important art but most of us never bother to enhance our speaking skills.

Oh yeah…I started to write about patience.

Well. You need patience though you want everything to happen right now.

Sometimes, you could easily get frustrated. Don’t be let down. Think what’s good for your life in the long run and be calm.

Wait and watch is the name of the game.

My Ma is not well today. My parents are worried as I continue to have pain in my palm and foot. They take so much care of me. I told them, its bearable pain and hence I am OK.

Please have patience.

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