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People assume that I am so good that it makes me responsible

Sairam friends,

When I was in Singapore with a huge team, I wasn’t much interested in Shopping. But every single night, my colleagues used to go to little India to shop.

I was already tired doing some filming. Hence, they expected me to go back to hotel and sleep. Instead, I stayed with them until 11 every night while they were shopping.

This is what I did. Whenever 2-3 girls or guys used to walk into a shop, I used to stand guard outside in the street and ensure no one gets missed in the crowd. Then, I would sit outside any shop and watch their bags filled with lots of stuff they got for their friends and relatives back in India.

Once in a while, I used to ask them where they are going and they should come back to specific place. There’s a reason I did this. Only couple of us had enabled international roaming. So if we miss someone, we can’t call them by phone and trace them.

Once in a while, I shouted at my friends not to buy so much as its going to be difficult if the Airline charges more for extra luggage.

Couple of days back, one of this girl told me

“It was nice you took care of us as if you were a Father”

I laughed at it but it deeply moved me. I told her that I like to do it.

I would have not been life this years back. I think my Brother in law is the reason why I don’t like shopping. He used to say that “Its all trash” when we buy stuff.

I certainly think that most of what we buy these days ends up in trash. We buy even without knowing if we will use it.

I also bought 3 watches for 2 colleagues who did not got opportunity to come to Singapore. I gave one watch to my Father.

My Mom felt bad asking why I did not got anything for myself. I don’t have any answer.

I crossed a stage in life when I desire to buy stuff for myself. I don’t know if materialistic things could ever make me happy.

The last big investment I did was for my Laptop in January 2019 and that too because my Computer wasn’t working well.

I wish to remain like this for lifetime because it helps me have a control on my desires.

Last night, I went to Nagasai mandir. My parents wanted me to learn Yoga. Hence, I enquired in a near by place to learn yoga and came back to temple.

I stood looking at Sai in main hall and Dwarakamai. My Mom has pain in her neck, hands and legs. Well…She has lived with it for years but now a days, she’s not able to bear it.

So it worries me so much. I kept thinking what’s going to happen in my life.

I also asked Sai if I am really so good? May be, I am not because if so, my life would have been better.

After temple was closed, sometimes, I used to wait 20 minutes to talk to my friends. Last night, I spoke to my friends about Sai leela and they were so happy. They wanted me to say some stories of Saibaba every night and I agreed.

It seems I should make videos about Sai in Tamil too because it helps many people connect with Saibaba.

When people assume that I am good, I wanted to make sure that I am really good..he he…

It makes me feel responsible…


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