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Devotees Experiences

A platform for Sai devotees to share their love for Sai Baba

Sairam friends,

Its been a long journey running from 2004. For years, I have shared how Sai helped me in every single aspect of my life. You would have noticed I often mention about my Mom and Dad in StarSai.

It is because no other parents will let their Son do such a stuff when they are young.

And I started it back in 2004 when every parent expect their Son to focus on their Career and get married. Somehow, my life was different and my parents let me do little I could for Sai.

In the recent years, all my articles touched my own pains and problems. While that too helped devotees learn how to have patience in Sai devotion, it was not solving the problem.

The problem I desire to solve is to inspire and motivate Sai devotees to love Sai deeply and also do their work with dedication.

If you do your work and Seek Sai’s help, Sai will surely bless you.

I want to create a simple platform for Sai devotees to share their experiences.

So here’s it

You can write your Sai experiences in the form provided in the link below.

Write your experiences with Sai

Om Sai Ram


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