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Whoever is pregnant or trying to have a baby, believe in Sai Baba. He will definitely shower is blessings

baby quotes
Written by venkatraman

Sairam friends,

I went to the Saibaba temple near the office this afternoon. Since none of my friends came with me, I felt good. At times, I like to be lonely.  The other day, I told my Mom that I have lunch in this Sai baba temple every Thursday with my friends. My Mom asked me “Won’t people who are really poor have food in Saibaba temple?”

I told her, very few people who are really hungry have food in such Annadhan in any Saibaba temples. The vast majority of people are having food as they consider it as Sai’s prasad. Having said that, I will write a separate article about how Sai is connected with the food offerings.

I have experienced personally that if you really want to feed someone who’s hungry, you must get a meal parcel and roam across the city to find such people and that is a real blessing. In 2005, my Mom used to give me some parcel of food which I give to a blind man outside Nagasai Mandir. These days, I see some men sitting outside the temple. Some are good. Some get money from devotees to drink. I think there’s no respect for food anymore.

Since I had told my Mom that they are building few houses near the second Sai temple near the office, She asked me if the people doing construction work have food in the temple? I told her that its a surprise that she asked this question.

Today night, I went to the Sai Mandir and while walking back, I saw some of these Men sitting in the ground and having the food they had cooked. They live in a small hut made near these buildings. I felt happy to see them having food under the sky chatting with each other. I even told Baba that

“I wish to be like this Sai..They are happily having food”.

For more than a year, I never posted devotees’ experiences in StarSai. Right from the day, Sai showed me dreams about the girl at work, my only story is about it. “Why did this happen? How can you show dreams to make me feel guilty? People are laughing at me, I am crying..I am depressed” – StarSai became a place for me to vent out whatever I am going through! I still don’t get an answer from Sai. It hurts me.

I almost lost my senses. So today, I was telling Baba, I like to post devotees experiences in StarSai.

I have told many of you how Sai responds to me as he has read my mind. By the time I reached home, two devotees had mailed me requesting me to post their experiences. So after more than a year, here’s an experience. She asked me not to reveal her name. What matters is an experience though I always request Sai children to mention their name because after 100 years your grandchildren must be able to read your story!

Here’s the mail…

Hi Venkat,

I’m S……….. from C………….

Thank you so much for the wonderful service you do. When I was worried about my pregnancy I came across your site SaiMother and was promised Baba that I will post my experience if I came up with a positive results in my first ultrasound.

Below is my experience

I miscarried twice in the last two years. So I was in no hope to get pregnant again. After a month of my second miscarriage, my husband got an offer to work abroad and so I took a loss of pay leaves and went along with him. There a good friend of mine, who faced the same pregnancy problems as mine told me about Sai NAV guru vrat and how she conceived with Baba’s blessings. That’s how baba came into my life. I decided to do the vrat and completed as described.

Before a couple of weeks I complete the vrat, the house owner of our rented house in India approached us and asked if we are willing to buy the house as he is selling it for an emergency. We accepted to buy the house as it was a good rate in the market. Though I prayed Baba for baby, he blessed us with a house as I usually think I should welcome my baby in our own house. Baba understood my heart and gave which is needed first. Then I thought Baba will have his own time and calculation. So I decided to wait for Baba’s gift of pregnancy.

There comes shattering news of my father’s health. He was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. I came to India to take care of my father’s health and hospitalization work. As myself and mom are the only person to take care of him, we were in rotation to stay at the hospital and bring food from home. Meanwhile, my husband came for a week and completed the formalities of Registering the house. Unfortunately after 2 months of treatment, my dad passed away. I realized that time why Baba did not bless me with the baby as he knew that I wouldn’t be able to take care of dad if am pregnant.

Sai blessings for Baby

But soon after my dad passed away, I realized that something is not normal in my health, and in big doubt when I tested, the pregnancy result came POSITIVE. Baba’s play is really unpredictable. He had his own calculation. This is my third pregnancy now and worried about each and every small symptoms as I lost two previous pregnancies. I vowed Baba that I will read each chapter of Sai Satcharithram every day until my 12 weeks to see no problem with my baby. Also, a couple of weeks before I came across a story in a site where a devotee did Sai Divya Pooja for a healthy pregnancy. So I decided to do that too to get this pregnancy full term.

My doctor prescribed my first ultrasound today (at 9 weeks). But for the past few days all of a sudden I lost all my pregnancy symptoms and was worried if am going to miss this baby too. I prayed to Baba full-heartedly and did 2nd week of Sai Divya Pooja today. I went with a great belief that I will get good news in my ultrasound today.

There in the scan room, Doctor said my baby growth looks small compared to the current week. And when she tried to hear the heartbeat, there was nothing except a void noise. I was constantly chanting Baba’s name. Then suddenly she shook her head as she saw the heartbeat. That was the moment I wondered how Baba is there listening to our hearts and prayers. The doctor said the baby looks fine and no problem. It was a great relief for me. With my whole heart, I thanked Baba for his blessings.

Hope everything goes fine with this pregnancy.

So whoever is pregnant or trying to get pregnant, believe Baba. He will definitely shower is blessings when asked with devotion, faith, and patience.

Jai Sairam!!

Sorry for the long post. Kindly do post my experience in your site and a humble request for not to mention my name and place.

Thanks again for your wonderful service.

That’s it.

I am going to sleep now.

You can write to me about your beautiful experiences but remember since I get many emails, I can post only a few of them.

Om Sai Ram


Edit – I slept off too late at 2 AM. I hugged Sai’s book while sleeping. I could remember the dream. It was like I am in a flower shop. A girl is studying Hindi classes run by the same lady who runs this flower shop. I have some books with me and writing something sitting in the shop. I take 2 Red Roses and 2-3 little Baby pink roses and kept it in my bag. Then, I see 2-3 girls and few guys. I remember one of these girls but can’t recognize others. I recognize one of these guys too. Later, all these girls take these Roses for themselves.

What I like about the dream is the natural setup of the flower shop and the Roses were very beautiful too. Well, I don’t understand this dream. Sai alone knows what are these dreams supposed to mean?

Anyway, Many devotees wrote to me in the past 2-3 months regarding childbirth. So I hope this devotees experience makes them feel confident.

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1 Comment

  • Hi venkat garu… i have a 19 months baby boy. My baby is not eating as sufficient food. He is healthy kid also. But not eating properly. He looks like one year baby only. We did all medical tests regarding his underweight. All tests are normal. He is active kid. But not eating properly m. We worried about it. As sai devotee pls give some suggestions like any pooja or anything. Pls. I can’t mail you. That’s why i placed my request here. Thanku.

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