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Saibaba Books

Read few pages in Sai Satcharita

Sairam friends,

On Saturday, I went to Saibaba temple and spent sometime there. Some of my colleagues called me to meet them. I thought for a while if I really wanted to go because I usually spend the whole evening until night in Sai baba temple. Later, I went and also had good time with them.

My Mom isn’t feeling well these days. So I remained in home on Sunday. In the evening, I went to Nagasai mandir and came around holy Dhuni of Sai. Then,I took Sai Satcharita inside the main hall of temple and read few pages.

There’s a reason I specifically say this. I am a lazy reader and won’t open any books that easily. Thankfully, yesterday, Sai made me read some of his beautiful stories.

I felt good for reading Sai’s holy life.

I came home and spoke to my parents for a while. These days, I can’t sleep easily as I think a lot about life. I am awake until 3 A.M and wonder what’s going to happen in my life?

I don’t have any idea why Sai is silent for the past few years. I hope Sai shows me a way.

You might also face the same situation. Don’t worry. Sai will not let you down.

When ever you find time, please use it for Sai. You can do chanting of Sai’s name or read few pages from Sri Sai Satcharita

Om Sai Ram


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  • Not sure what’s problem you have been going through .. I have faced lot of problem, waited for years. And then suddenly sai sorted out all as if there was no issue in past.. I have been facing health issue from past 6 years..I believe He will bless me with good health’s all Karamas that we have to bear for some time..

  • By sai guidance I decided to read weekly pranayan of sai charita.. I feel good I could complete this reading with his help.. that’s brings positivity to fight all odds of life.. I hope I could do daily reading of this holy book ..We don’t know on what’s ways He is protecting us..

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