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Reading Sai Satcharita made her feel someone is hugging her and she got admission to do her masters

Sai Satcharita
Written by venkatraman

Om Sai Ram friends,

My life is going on with insecurities related to my work. I don’t know how I am going to manage. I am sure Saibaba will show me the right path.

I feel happy whenever a devotee writes about their experience related to Education. Here’s a devotee’s experience from Nisha.


I would like to share a few of my experiences of how Sai Baba has been helping me from the time I got to know about him.

I do not remember the first time I saw a picture of Sai but I remember the picture that my grandmother had in her pooja room, where she prayed every day and made us too sing bhajans.

When I was in 9th grade my grandmother’s aunt who is a staunch Sai devotee presented Shri Sai Satcharita to my grandmom which she gave into me and my sister’s hands and told me that if I read it in 7 days with a wish in mind my wishes would be fulfilled.

Me being an ardent reader set forth reading the book. At that point, I think I was too young to understand the power of my Sai. But nevertheless, I started reading it every day and also read it after every major exam of mine asking Baba to bless me with good marks.

I passed all my examinations in school as well as college without failing even once. I knew Baba was powerful but at that point in life, I did not know the actual power of Sai. I kept all the important papers inside my Satcharita.

After a few years of college and working, I got married and moved to Bahrain. I continued reading the book. But after a year I had my daughter and with the busy schedule of a mother my Satcharita reading came to a stop and the book remained in the same place for a long time.

After a few years my husband lost his job and I was pregnant with my second daughter. We had to shift all our things back to India and during the shifting I found my lost gem, my Sai Satcharita and I immediately felt pained that I was not reading it anymore. I packed it back to India and started reading it everyday again.

I gave birth to my younger daughter, by Sai’s grace and blessings, without any complications. But our life had come to a standstill with my husband not being able to find a job and none of our efforts seeing success.

Finally, we decided that I would apply for my Masters. I started applying to a few colleges abroad. I applied with full enthusiasm but a lot of YouTube videos said that getting into colleges was difficult as I had a long study gap of 10 years.

After applying, I felt discouraged and let down but I trusted my Sai. There was one university to which I applied with all my heart and I really wanted to gain admission to that course but my hopes were low as it is one of the top universities in the world. Then a series of rejections started, where I was rejected by three Universities from among the six universities I applied to.

I felt sad and dejected and I would dream of me lying down in a desert and crying for water but nobody was there to help me. I kept reading the Satcharita.

Then, one evening I put my daughter to sleep and since I couldn’t read the Satcharita in the morning I read it in the evening. While I was reading it I felt a warmth surrounding me. I know it is unbelievable but it’s true. I felt as if somebody was hugging me and comforting me.

After the reading, I opened my mail as usual hoping for a miracle, and there it was. I got accepted to one of the colleges that I applied to. My joy knew no bounds. I felt like it was raining in the desert that I was lying down and Baba was covering me with a shawl of his love.

Now, the new confusion arose. I had to reply to the college that accepted me but I didn’t have any news from the University that I badly wanted to study in. The deadline to accept or reject the offer was coming close when Sai showered his blessings on me again.

That week, on a Friday I had decided that I would accept the offer no matter what, because I didn’t want to lose out on this offer, and I had very few chances of getting an offer from my dream University. On that Saturday morning, I had a revelation where Sai came to me and said

” All your troubles are over. I am with you”.

Always, while reading the Satcharita, I would ask Baba when he would bless me with a darshan like his other devotees from the book. This was my moment of truth. I was so happy with the darshan and my joy knew no bounds. Then, I thought it’s a Saturday morning and universities are closed on Saturday so there are no chances of me getting any positive news today.

But when I casually opened my mail that day I found an acceptance letter from the University of my dreams. I couldn’t stop shivering. I ran to Baba and held my Satcharitha in my hand. My hands were shaking and my heart beating hard. I remained in that state for a long time.

It was only after a while that I could convey this news to my parents and husband. How powerful is my Baba. What do I have to fear when he is with me.

From then on every step for Visa processing happened with just minor hindrances which were all removed by Sai’s grace. I don’t know how many times I have uttered

“You are so powerful Sai”.

He helped me in every step.

But unfortunately, I couldn’t get my Visa before the deadlines and could not start in the term I intended to. But I am still hoping that he will help me start as soon as possible and change my life forever. I know he is with me forever.

Thank you for making a page to inspire Baba’s devotees. May he bless us all.

Thanking you

I love this Sai leela especially because I want readers of StarSai to continue their education no matter where they are currently in their academics. I sincerely pray for Nisha and all readers to keep learning and enhance their knowledge and skills.

Om Sai Ram


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