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Remembering my 2016 visit to Shirdi

Shirdi Dwarakamai
Written by venkatraman

Sairam friends,

I am not sure why people take whatever I try to do in the wrong sense. They used to have a small box with few medicines near my place. So when we changed the building, yesterday morning, I took the box with me since I felt there might be some employees who need medicine. One of these guys came to me and said that “It shouldn’t be in my control”. I don’t like the word “Control”. It sounds funny to me because in an organization everyone simply likes to control something to grow ahead.

Fortunately, few who were sick were benefited as I bought it with me. I feel happy to make sure at least few basic tablets are always available. Whenever I visit the pharmacy to get medicines for my Mom, I used to get for office too. Yesterday, I told this guy that I will be having it only for 2 weeks. By the time I come back from the U.S, they can ‘Take control” of everything.

July 24th to 26th, I will be in Chennai for a U.S Visa interview. I hope to go to Mylapore Saibaba temple and Kabaleeswarar temple. I love Goddess Karpagambal there. I love the fragrance of that place.

I hope to get a Visa because my Sister really is expecting us. Hope it goes well.

One thing I have realized is that even if you do good, people comment on it. Every day, I wish to do atleast one good karma for others. I wish to do something really nice in the days to come for people in need.

Today, I am going to do photography all the new buildings since they might need some photos to use in the brochure when I am not here for a couple of months. I wish to meet some Entrepreneurs in Sioux Falls when I am in my Sister’s place. Today, I am remembering my 2016 visit to Shirdi.

Featured photo is the one I took outside Dwarakamai.

I always love remembering Dwarakamai where Baba lived.

I imagine as if I eat, play, and sleep with Sai Baba in his holy Dwarakamai.

I am missing Shirdi!


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