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Remembering Goddess Saraswathi

Goddess Saraswathi
Written by venkatraman

Sairam friends,

My Mom has this habit of reading News paper at night. Yesturday, She spoke about a breaking news which happened in Tamilnadu. I told her not to read it to me because it hurts me. I told her, I read what’s happening in Syria but I can’t listen to any bad news happening closer to us in India, especially if its around Coimbatore. My Dad was watching  this news on TV and I told him to change the channel. I am getting too sensitive to what ever is happening in India that I can’t digest it. Its getting into my nerves.

I wish my Mom’s pain gets healed by Sai grace. I told my Mom sai will do it for her.

Sai has inspired me to worship various Gods and Goddess. In the recent past, I was not able to be devoted to any Goddess due to the confusion I was going through. I realized that I am not remembering any Goddess like before. Last night, I told Saibaba

“Sai, I don’t know which Goddess to worship now as I am not able to find the devotion I had in past on them”

Actually, on Sunday evening, I went to Lakshmi Narasimha temple. I love Mahalakshmi so much and remembered her.

I had couple of dreams.

One dream was like this.

I am walking in the same road leading to this Lakshmi Narasimha temple. I walk with my Camera bag and a lunch bag. I never carry lunch to work and wonder why I see this in dream. Suddenly, I see a girl walking opposite to me. She was like a ghost and I get scared that She might harm me but she walks away.

I continue to walk as if there’s a huge burden on my back. Finally, I reach a small shop. In the shop, I scrambble what ever I have inside my bag. There are few divine books. I see a small photo of my parents in that shop. I take it with me kissing the pic. Then, Instead of going to Lakshmi Narasimha temple, I take an auto to the bus stop.

On the way, there’s a house adjacent to the road. A pious women was doing a pooja there. I see few lamps lit outside the house. ( I had a childhood friend called Vidhya. When ever I come from college, she would come with her mom from school just to play around with me. After few years, I never talk much to her as She got busy with her life.)

In the dream, I see this girl sitting with many others. I get surprised, go near her and beat her on her shoulder calling her by name “Vidhya”.

I woke up and tried to interpret the dream. In the dream, I am trying hard to go to Mahalakshmi temple but my bag was too heavy and I could not walk. So I turn back and surprisingly see a pious women having a pooja in her home with many people sitting in front of her house. I also see Vidhya there.

Since, Vidhya is name of Goddess Saraswathi, I believe Sai wants me to remember and worship Goddess Saraswathi.

This is how try to understand Sai dreams. I wrote about my love for Goddess Saraswathi in this site –

There are few divine experiences I had by grace of Sai and Goddess Saraswathi. Some experiences cannot be written until I reach the last few days of my life. If I say those now, none would believe it. So I will write some experiences during the later part of my life and pass away immediately because none can question me ..he he…

I will be remembering Goddess Saraswathi when ever I feel like all the day.

Sai and Goddess Saraswathi blessings to you and your children.

Om Sai Ram


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