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I can only show you the right way as Sai also does the same. I can’t force you to be good

siddivinayak ganesha
Written by venkatraman

Sairam friends,

Few years back, I received a mail from a Mother of a grown up girl. She told me that She’s pained as her old Daughter is in relationship with a married men who’s a Doctor. Seems, her Daughter wouldn’t listen to her no matter how she advices her.

The funny part of several Mother’s I have come across is that they assume their Daughter or Son is going in the right path and are in good relationship. They never guess that their children live in a world where relationships happens virtually and people are easily into a bad relationship.

I have been going through hell trying to convince one of my friend to understand that She has a beautiful life ahead and She must give up any relationship that She can’t justify to her parents or even any welwishers. I spoke to her for couple of hours last weekend and explained her that She’s from good family and she must make her parents proud and not let them down by being in relationship that’s going to kill her alive for rest of her life.

Eventualy, I realized even if we show right path and tell them what’s good for them, some girls only make as a fool. I finally told her that She can have all the space to live her life but I won’t be bothering her or guide her any more.

When a girl or a guy writes to me, I can tell them – Look, Don’t get emotional. Be clear about what you want in your life. Live a life that will make your parents satisfied.

Now a days, very easily people get into wrong relationship.

They assume that they are not doing anything bad but its a sin.

Be clear! Its a sin if you are in relationship with a married men or women.

Never go between life of a man and a women.

One of the most common stories I hear is this.

My boy friend is going to get married but I can’t stop calling him.

Well. Can you write down 10 things you gain from such a relationship?

The most painful part is this. This girl will clearly plan that she will speak to this guy even after he’s married. Is it not a Sin done towards an innocent girl who’s going to marry this guy? Will such a karma bring anything good?

Firstly, can you ask yourself if your Mother would have encouraged such relationship?

Secondly, Can you be happy about such relationship?

You can’t.

Marriage is too divine for you to chat or speak to a Man or a Women even after they are married.

I hate all such nonsense and try my best to help people come out of such relationship. Good girls will surely understand.

Some girls won’t.

I have no other option but to let them live their life as they wish.

I can only show you the right path.

If a Man is going to marry or is married to a girl, please completely chop off your communication with him. If your girl friend cannot marry you understand her situation and bless her. But never have any kind of communication with her.

Any one – Be it a man or a women, if they are not going to marry you, they must be completely cut off from your day to day life.

There are some really good men who sincerely avoid a girl whom they love just because they get engagged to another man. But unfortunately, there are few girls who stick to the guy even after they get married. I understand you like someone a lot but if you are from good family, you must make your heart like a stone and keep away from them.

There are so many other issues. I get some mails which I find it hard to reply. Someone addicted to pornography, someone addicted to things that would ruin their life, someone addicted to video games.

I usually never get close to anyone but if I do, I get pained to see them going in the wrong path.

If you think you cannot come out of such bad relationship, I have a request.

Worship Lord Ganesha and Lord Surya.

Lord Ganesha in the form of Siddhi Vinayak in Mumbai is my favourite. When ever I am pained due to any relationship, he comes in my dream or I get kumkum from Siddhi Vinayak temple of Mumbai. It just means Ganesha is saving me from a relationship that would ruin my life.

I also wish you look at Sun after you wake up and bow to him.

You will get clarity in life.

When I get close to someone and if I know their behaviour and the way they are emotionally inclained and doing something that doesn’t match with their family values, I get upset and try my best to correct them. Eventually, I have to giveup. This is because some girls have clearly decided they want a bad relationship. Some guys cannot forget their girl friend even if they are married.

If you decided you can’t be detached, you should never worship Sai or any God for that matter.

Being detached is the essence of Sai devotion.

I can never force you to be good. You have to close your eyes, think about Sai, Lord Ganesha and then your parents.

Take a clear decision about what is good for your life and do it. You have to live strong internally. You can always live without someone whom you loved because if you are reading this, you like Sai.

Sai comes to people who are detached from any bad relationship.

Om Sai Ram


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