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Devotees Experiences

Saburi means waiting patiently and positively until the time comes – Shirdi Sai Baba

Om Sai Ram friends,

I went to Nagasai Mandir in Coimbatore with my mother and neighbour aunty yesterday evening. I made my Amma wait in the car until I swept the temple and felt good. I also took her to my favorite Bhadrakali temples in Saibaba colony and Annapurna temple. Amma is not well, but she managed to come with me. We visited her diabetic doctor and then went to these temples. The doctor’s granddaughter had come to visit her during her summer holidays. The kid was trying to assist her grandmother in writing prescriptions, and I enjoyed watching her curious face. 

Anyway, a devotee shared the below experience after a long time. Read on.

Greetings Everyone,

I am here to share an experience of mine. I have always believed in Baba and depend on him for everything. At one point in my life, I was going through a rough phase and felt lost. I didn’t know how to escape the situation and doubted it was possible.

While struggling with my thoughts one day, I had an idea to ask Baba for help. That’s how I stumbled upon the Starsai Speaks website, which was my first visit. There, I read a message from Baba that was the exact answer to my problem. I am sharing a few lines here. He said,

After reading this message, my mind became calm, and I felt at peace knowing that Baba was taking care of the situation. I promised Baba that if my problem were solved, I would return to the website and share my experience. That’s why I am here today.

The next day, I went to Baba’s temple, held his feet, and said, “Baba, you are the only one I believe in, and I am surrendering my situation to you.” From that day on, my pain began to reduce, and after a month, I felt much lighter. Even though the situation got worse, I never felt stressed or in pain because I knew that Baba was taking care of everything.

After four years, my problem was beautifully solved. But during those four years, I never felt stressed or in pain because of Baba’s grace. The power of chanting his name always made me think positively.


Thank you, Baba.

A Devotee

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