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Sacred Dog of Lord Dattatreya bite my palm to save me

Sairam friends,

If we are devoted to Saints, we will experience many strange things which none will understand. I was going through some thing really painful past few month. I had severe pain in my right hand too. I know something is wrong and its cannot be medically treated. I told my parents about it but they kept saying I am fearing for little things and its nothing.

Sai and I alone know what I was going through. I pleaded Saibaba to heal me soon.

I woke up early today as someone asked me to come early to work to do some video and editing for him. Last night, I had been to Shirdi Saibaba temple. Usually, if its Thursday the temple will be crowded and I will get into Dwarakamai, Worship Dhuni Baba and stand in Parking space in distance looking at the Sai over the terrace and come back home. Yesterday, I was about to start when one of this elderly devotee asked me to look at Aarti shown to Saibaba after pooja and start.

So I stayed back longer, waited until they showed sacred lamps to Saibaba. When I was waiting for Aarti, I told Saibaba that I wish to marry a girl who comes from Dwarakamai. Does this mean I meet a girl in Dwarakamai? Then, I prayed another way to Saibaba. I told him “OK. Lets keep like this. The girl I marry must have a heart like Dwarakamai” ..he he…I think, this is easy for Saibaba to do.

I told Saibaba please forgive me because I feel so bad of myself that I disturbed someone and I want to apologize. I don’t want to bother any girl for life time as it hinders my purity. I kept telling my friend if I should apologize and he told me, you did not do anything wrong and leave it. But this thought comes into me every 10 minutes.

I felt really blissful in heart friends.

I came home and slept hugging Sai Satcharitra.

I had a dream like this.

I am going towards an entrance of exhibition in darkness with my friend. I found 4 Dogs are near the gate which was closed. I get so scared of the Dogs and climb over the gate. One of this dog bite me so badly that I can’t escape from him. So I swirl the dog and throw him away.

Blood oozes away from my palm. There’s a man taking care of visitors. He takes me to his room and gives me tablets. I ask him to put injection. He then puts injection saying its to avoid rabiz and also any other infection.

I was still in dream and already making a plan how to hide my palm from my parents as I thought the dream was so real..he he..

I woke up and realized it was just a dream.

I felt Sai and Lord Dattatreya has treated me and healed my hand.

Saibaba has saved me by doing this and I know my hand won’t have similar problem again for lifetime.

Now I am too late friends.



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  • The holy name Sai itself is a kavacham that wards off all dangers known and unknown.God bless you.Shri Sainathayanamaha.

  • Sai Ram. Even i feel alot for small mistakes done knowingly or unknowingly. But even i wish baba enters my life soon and forgives me for everything. Jai Sai Ram.

  • Sai Baba with us only. So not to worry. Ur dream has made more faith and trust on Sai. Sai bless u soon with gud girl soon. All ur family people will happy soon. Omsairam

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