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Sai baba blessed this girl from Pune to give birth to a healthy baby

Hi Venkat,

My name is Ranjana Mishra and I am from Pune. And I want you to highlight my name while sharing my experience cause that’s what I promised Baba that I won’t hide my identity while sharing this miracle of his. The below was written when Baba was holding me more closely than ever.

Hello Sai Bhakts,

I am writing this before the miracle has began because I have faith Sai will not forsake me.

I was in the 22nd week of my pregnancy hyper anxious and scared. Shattered because there was no one around. I stay with my husband and if he leaves for office I was the only one who used to stay home. All-day Googling and inviting fear.

Wanted someone to console me, sit with me, and not let go of me at a cost. One fine day, I started Googling Sai baba miracles and started viewing his miracle videos.

Even while watching them I was crying. Somewhere Baba was just there. Two-three deep breaths saying Sai Sai Sai and I used to feel a little good.

Every day, I used to listen to his song that says, Sai ram Sai shayam sai bhagwan shirdi ke data sabse mahan.

For every trouble, be it a blood test be it anything I eat I used to call sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai…. in the middle of the night I would get up and ask sai meri raksha karo budhi do bal do shakti do.

My fluid levels were on the margin. Praying for baba to bless and show his miracles in the coming week’s scan. Was waiting for his blessings. Baba Shanti shakti sabar do mujhe. Mere bachey ko aap sambhalo. Main murakh tu gyani baba icha purn kar. Tere dwaar aaungi meri jholi bharde.

“Om Sairam!

5:49 am – I had a scary dream today. I saw deceased tomatoes in the field. Then, I saw some deceased calf’s in a very small stacked shed. The meaning on the internet is scary too. But I will still wait for Sai baba to show the path. To guide me in all ways. I know, I am a sinner Baba.

Help me recover. Help me deliver a healthy and strong baby without any complications. Don’t leave me Baba I need you here. “

The above quoted text is an example that how my days and night were.

I had a very complicated pregnancy. Earlier once I had a miscarriage in 5 months. So this was my second pregnancy after 5 yrs.

In April 2019 I visited Sai Dham Shirdi asked Baba meri jholi bhardo agle baar tere dwaar bachey ke saath aungi. May 2019 I got pregnant and everything was smooth till 4 months.

On Sep 28th I saw spotting rushed to the doctor and got to know that it was an infection and as I am a working woman using a shared toilet and pregnant, I am prone to this.

Thought cool let’s pray things to get in place. My next scan which was on the 3rd Oct showed that my fluid levels are very low.

Honestly, I was broken inside as the doctor said to start having bed rest. So I did as mentioned I stayed home and stopped doing any household stuff as well started working from home.

But after all this also my water level didn’t improve. Suddenly on Oct 14 afternoon a gush of blood in the toilet devastated me…there was no one at home I called my husband and told him actually I was crying loud I don’t know how he rode his bike that day 15 minutes and he was standing right in front of me.

Meanwhile, I just opened my puja room and saw Baba small photo frame that I have and said – tera tu hi jane and right than a line from the song Sai ram sai Shyam ran my mind- beaulaad bhi wahan paa gaye jaan shirdi ke data hai sabse Mahan.

Once my husband was home we rushed to the hospital and then was admitted a scan was done and we were told that it’s retro placental bleeding and has stopped on its own.

I was stunned for the next three days I was under observation and monitored every hour day and night. On the 4th day we were told to go home and I was asked to visit every week for an injection for coming 5 weeks. And some extra medicines were prescribed. Some were inside I was just thanking Sai baba. I started writing his name and Om Namah Shivaya daily. Used to just get up for food and washroom.

I prayed and told Baba main bohat akele hoon baba kisi ko bhejdo mere paas in a week my mother was near me and baba continued to hold me. My mom took hell lot of care in 4 weeks my fluid level went to 14 I was happy it came down after 28 weeks but my doctor told that its was normal as the growth was fine.

My delivery was due on Feb 22, 2020, but on Jan 01 – my bade papa expired and my mom had to leave for rituals she promised me to return she was shit scared that I would be alone but Baba helped my husband with work from home and he was there to take care of me. On Jan 20 2020 I was blessed with a baby girl.

That again was a blessing because in the labor room also I was listening to Babas Mahima. There are small little things that I used to do. Mumble Baba’s name often ate a pinch of udi daily and used write Sai on my bump with udi, light a Diya in the temple daily search for Baba’s name and pics on my way to the hospital and so on.

Those were difficult days and I must say when in doubt call Sai…he will be there. So his was my story. I don’t know if a pregnant woman is reading this. If you are it’s because Baba wants you to know that he is with you so do not fear.

Thanks, Venkat for all that you do

Sai ki kripalu hum sab par bani rahe.


Hope this Sai leela helps many women who are pregnant and have problems in pregnancy and gives them confidence.

Share your experiences with Saibaba – Email me

Om Sai Ram


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1 Comment

  • Om Sai ram dear ranjana.. I m in tears reading ur experience, I m not pregnant but planning for it , but the situations that u told about fear n all I m literally going through every bit of it.. ur experience strengthened my belief in our baba sai and he made me read it .. thanks a lot for sharing ur experience .. thank u venkat anna for publishing in this beautiful space

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