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Sai Baba miracle through Star Sai

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracle
Written by venkatraman

Om Sai Ram friends,

These days, my life is painful. I don’t have a job yet but working on something. I try to keep myself busy. Couple of days back, I took my Amma to Nagasai mandir in Coimbatore. Some of my devotee friends offered a chair for Amma as she has back ache and she saw the Shej aarti sitting outside temple.

I did not worship Saibaba. Do not ask me why. After my Father passed away, I became almost like a stone. I just go to temple and stand there staring at Sai. I was remembering the beautiful days when my Father and Mother together used to sit inside the main hall of Saibaba temple listening to aarti and I will be happily roaming around near Dwarakamai.

Anyway, Life goes on.

My Father blesses me in dream regularly by Sai grace. This morning, I had a dream as if the spear – Vel of Lord Murugan falling down but my Father is holding it back and giving me darshan with the powerful Vel of Lord Karthikeya.

So, I woke up and offered Tumeric and kumkum in the front door of our house remembering Lord Murugan and Goddess Mahalakshmi.

I had to pay to renew few domains in StarSai network and managed to do it. I am spending a lot for day to day expenses without earning these days which scares me. My life is done. I am just living for my Mom and Sister. Nothing much.

Anyway, that’s an update about my life.

Here’s a beautiful Shirdi Sai Baba miracle from Priya.

Dear Venkat,

I wanted to share an experience which happened through Star Sai.

Since February 2021, I have developed health issues which doctors are not able to diagnose. Amidst all this I kept doing Sai Nav Guruvar Vrat.

Towards end of April 2021, I developed severe itching without rash. Powerful allergy medicines also were not helping. The itching made me very weak and I could not sleep. I was thinking about quitting work. It stopped for about 3 weeks in the middle and restarted. I went through several tests and was depressed. Doctors called this a problem with the nervous system and put me on nerve related meds which helped only partially.

I opened StarSai website one day. The first story that showed up was about Sai Baba curing a girl with skin disease. I read the story and thought , mine is a nerve problem not skin disease. Somehow , I thought if this itching goes away, I will post my experience. It was already July first week.

Within a few days my mother who had been staying with us since May , developed the same itching. It was very clear that she also cannot have same nerve problem.

So we started to look for a cause and realized that the room in which my mother and I were sleeping had some tiny insects in the carpet which could be biting us in our sleep.

We had the area steam cleaned and the itching resolved after 2 months of physical and mental trauma.

It was Baba telling me in his own way that this was not a nerve problem and he cured me. I do not take the nerve medications any more.

Om sai ram


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