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Sai baba did miracles. He gave me a job in a unexpected way

Om Sai Ram friends,

I am building small Startup these days and when I recruit interns paying only Rs.5000/month to do content writing work, I could realize so many issues. In India, people judge a job based on what they earn. (Wish I could pay better but my Startup has no revenue. )

Some youngsters are eager to do even this job but probably, their timing doesn’t match mine as I have a daily catch-up meeting for 10 minutes between 7 PM to 10 PM.

But this helps me understand basic issues in Indian family mind-set. Some girls even tell me that they have some restriction in their family. Some say that they themselves do not trust when we expect to do a call late at night.

To be honest, not all girls are career minded. Some wanted to earn money but they don’t want to sacrifice anything to learn something to begin their career.

Last night, I spoke to a girl who told me that parents can’t be blamed because some girls themselves are lazy and just wanted to marry someone and run a family.

While this is the case with few girls, there are many guys and girls who desperately need a job but they don’t get the right opportunity.

Anyway, above is something I wanted to express personally since I am shocked why some parents don’t trust their own daughters? It’s strange and in some families, this is norm.

Anyway, here’s a beautiful devotee’s experience which I wanted to share.

This is shared by Anupam.

As we all know that this corona has made our life worsened. As some of them have lost their lives by Corona & some have lost jobs. Lucky and blessed are those who have both by God’s mercy.

Due to Corona, I was being given 50% deduction of my salary and not even on time. This really forced me to look for another job. Because of my bad health, I was not able to find another job. That’s why till September, I only took care of my health. From the beginning of October, I started searching job as I applied lots of vacancies through job portals.

I gave the 11th time machine test but couldn’t get selected. I really felt bad each time when they rejected me even after a good test. The 8th time, my test was good.  Twice, my test was incomplete and twice, the test was okay.

I was deeply sad as each time I had to go through a machine task and the result was not selected. I cried a lot and prayed to Sai baba.

“Baba please do something why they reject me even after a good test” and why this machine test is panicking me. 

On 23rd December, as usual, one more interview was scheduled at 11.30 am. This day, I was unaware of Baba’s miracles coming my way. The interview was with the CEO of the company. The interview was good and she asked me to send some samples of GIF as it was the demand of the company.

I sent all the GIF samples designed by me over mail. And then I got a call from HR about the Salary discussion. This really made me shocked, I was not able to imagine how one can discuss Salary without conducting any machine test. 

Because earlier I used to go through machine round which usually took time to show creativity. But By Sai Baba’s mercy and what I prayed to him, Got the same day. I used to pray Sai Baba

” Baba I am fed up off machine round. Every time I do and then don’t get selected. Do something for me I don’t want to do machine round” 

The Day (23/12/2020)  came and Baba answered my prayers. After having conversations with HR, my salary was fixed 22000/ per month ( a good hike on 14000 ) I was so happy.

I was even not able to believe how easily I got this job. 

That day was nothing less than a miracle. Yes, It was a miracle. what I prayed to him, got the same. I heartily thanked him for all those things that he has done for me.

Dear readers,

Baba always says “have faith and patience”. Everything will come our way at the right time. So we all should never lose our hope in every situation Because Sai Baba can do Miracles any time.

Anantkoti Brahmandnayak Rajadhiraj Yogiraj Parabrahma Shree Sachidanand Sadguru Sai Nath Maharaj Ki Jai.


Hope you like this Sai leela friends. I wish to do something related to creating jobs. Hope Saibaba helps me build a Startup through which I could give jobs and also guide many people to land in the right job.


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