Sairam friends,
The next several million Internet users are people who speak regional languages and I honestly wish to write in Tamil. I just don’t know how to start as I am not good in my Mother tongue when it comes to writing. So I hope Sai shows me a way.
Few days back, I received a Translation of Devotees Experiences of Sri Sai Baba by Narasimha Swamiji translated by a devotee in Spanish language. Thanks to Mercedes Garcia for translation. I hope this will be a good seva in spreading Sai devotion to Europeans and people who know Spanish. I shall post few chapters from her Translation once in a while.
Yesterday, I went to Saibaba Temple, Offered Garlands to all the big Sai Statues on terrace and sat on the Dwarakamai in darkness. I really felt painful and spoke to Sai in my Mind. I came home, checked mails and slept.
This morning when I woke up my Father said, Someone had plucked most of the flowers from the plant near the compound. I was really upset and felt why people come inside the compound and pluck flowers with out asking us. My Mom said, Its OK they also are going to offer it to God and asked me to cool down. So I believe Sai wants me to post this article.
My Father wanted me to come to Temple as he has given for Pooja to Lord Murugan – Karthikeya. So I am posting this article in hurry and starting to work. Sai Blessings friends.

Lets Celebrate Shirdi Sai Baba in Spanish friends
I have also included the article in original English version below Spanish.
Shri Vamaii Chintaman Munge, Vakil de Pimpal-GAOM Baswanth, del distrito de Nasik cuando empeoró la plaga en Pimpalgaom
Baswanth, cambió su residencia a la casa de sus tierras. Una noche, los ladrones llegaron allí, hicieron un agujero y entraron en la casa particular en el lugar donde Munge dormía en una cuna.
La foto de Baba estaba colgada en la pared. El ladrón tomó una pequeña caja de debajo de la cama y se la dio a otro ladrón que esperaba fuera de la casa. La pequeña caja contenía 200 rupias y un pagaré por 4.000 rupias. El ladrón volvió y estaba a punto de llevarse un gran cofre con joyas por un valor de 10.000 rupias.
Mientras tanto Baba apareció en su sueño y lo despertó diciendo que los ladrones se habían llevado sus pertenencias. Su cuñada también se despertó y gritaron “ladrones”, “ladrones”.
Entonces todos los sirvientes y los vigilantes se despertaron y persiguieron a los ladrones. Sin embargo,
los ladrones escaparon dejando el cofre grande. Al día siguiente, la pequeña caja fue hallada en un campo cercano.
Los ladrones se habían llevado el dinero y dejaron los pagarés. Esa noche, recibió una visión en su sueño: que Shri Sai Baba, Shri Abdul Baba y otro Fakir con fuerte personalidad aparecieron ante él. Después de algunos
días, visitó Shirdi y tomó darshan de las mismas tres personas que había visto en su sueño y él mismo comprobó que el tercer Fakir era el Maestro de Shri Abdul Baba. Después de algunos días, Shri Datta Brahmachari de Kopergaon visitó su casa por comida y le dijo que los bienes perdidos iban a estar disponibles.
De acuerdo a eso, 60 rupias y los otros bienes fueron recuperados y entregados a él por la policía. La policía declaró que la cantidad fue recuperada y llevada a ellos por una Marwadi junto con algunos artículos de otros robos. Esto demuestra claramente que Sai Baba no sólo salvaguarda el interés de sus devotos, sino también sus pertenencias.
Rendición completa a Shri Sai! El deleite supremo y la liberación están allí!
English Version
Baba Recovers Stolen Property of Shri Vaman
Chintaman Vamaii Shri Munge , Vakil of Pimpal – GAOM Baswanth ,Nasik district when the plague worsened Pimpalgaom
Baswanth , changed his residence to the house of their land. One night,thieves got there, made a hole and went into the house particularly where Munge slept in a crib. The photo of Shirdi Sai Baba was hung on the wall . The thief took a small box from under the bed and gave it a thief who was waiting outside of the house. The small box contained 200 rupees and a promissory note for 4,000 rupees.
The robber turned and was about to take a big
Box with jewelery worth Rs 10,000 . Meanwhile Baba
appeared in his dream and woke him saying thieves
taken away his belongings . His sister also woke up and
shouted “thieves” , “thieves” .
Then all the servants and guards awoke and chased the robbers . However,Thieves escaped leaving the large chest . The next day, The small box was found in a nearby field. Thieves had taken the money and left the notes. That night , he received a vision in his dream that Shri Sai Baba , Shri Abdul Baba and another Fakir with strong personality appeared before him .
After several days , visited Shirdi and took darshan of the same three people who had seen in his dream and he found that the third Fakir was Master of Shri Abdul Baba.
After a few days , Shri Datta Brahmachari of Kopergaon visited his house for food and told him lost property would be available . According to that, 60 Rupees and other goods were recovered and handed over to him by the
Police said the amount was recovered and taken to them by a Marwadi articles along with some other robberies . this Sai Baba clearly shows that not only safeguards the interests of His devotees , but also your belongings .
Complete surrender to Shri Sai !
The supreme delight and happiness are there!
Hope you like this leela friends.