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Sai Baba, Save my Father

Thanks for always be with me and my family Sai Baba.

My Father had some problem the past one week. Since I was in Mumbai, he did not tell anyone. I came here and he told us. He never wanted to come to Doctor. We took him today. I write this with tears in eyes Baba.

He has some cysts in his bladder. OK. Some may call it bladder cancer.

I know you are with us

His only desire is to see me get married and have a child.

He always says that to me.

I can’t bear this. I wrote to my friends at work who always listened to one person who kept speaking ill of me. Fine. All my efforts has got shattered.

I am sure Baba will save my father

Baba is the only one I have

My face is full of tears

Ok why blabber my personal story in divine site

read on Sai stories

Peaceful Sai Baba darshan in Shirdi

Om Sai Ram



Earlier when I wrote above post, I had just come from Hospital. I went to Nagasai Mandir because I wanted to tell Baba about what’s happening to my Father. My friends told me not to worry about it and its just a small procedure. I am just worried as he also has Anurism. Going through this is really painful phase in our family but I know Sai Baba will cure my Father completely. We are just supposed to go through this phase because of some bad karma we would have done in some birth. We only think and do good to everyone now Baba.

So I know you will be with us. I do feel painful as I did not expect this to happen to my Father who has spent several years serving in our Colony Siddhi Vinayaka temple. He serves the Lord Shiva who’s there as the healer – Vaidheeswaran.

My Father always cleans the temple and he must be one among very few elderly person who doesn’t sit idle and do such work. I am sure my father will live long and healthy to do more seva to Sai and Lord Shiva and Parvathi.


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  • Sairam ,sairam ki jai ,never lose hope ,our sincere prayers for your father, All will become normal soon, Jai Sairam ,your prayer s will be answered. JaiSairam

  • Sai Ram. Venket
    This is really sad and painful to hear, but still Baba is there to save your father. Firmly you don’t need to have any second thought like negatively; you have to have to only one thought Baba will cure it. All cysts and lumps in our body are not cancer. I will pray for your father. Sai Ram

  • Don’t worry Venkat Brother, Baba is with us and HE will cure your father soon.
    Be strong and positive always. Take care

  • Om Sai ram…sai ram Venkat Ji, My prayers are with your family…Am sure Baba will heal your appa soon…For all the selfless service you are rendering through starsai, Baba always stays with your family …May Baba bless us all… Give your appa UDI water daily and Sai will do his magic soon….Om Sai ram

  • Jai Sai Ram,

    I am sure you father is going to be al right soon,
    My prayer to our Sai Baba for his quick healing.

    Jai Sai Ram

  • I am sorry to hear this but with our beloved Sai on your side, you need not worry. It may not even be cancer at all, please stay positive and you will soon be writing here telling us how Baba helped your father to get better. It’s a difficult time till then but pls give him baba udi and all will be well. Our prayers to your family! Remember, Baba said ” why fear when I am here”? Divine and loving Sai will protect all. Jai sai ram!

  • Dear sairam, don’t lose hope.baba will surely do miracles in your family.I will pray for u and your family.I am a babas distant reiki healer.I will do healing. Be faith in baba.

  • Om Sai ram Venkat sir ..i don’t know much about it ..but is that cyst benign ? If it is then its nothing to worry abt ..they vl remove it and everything vl be fine ..and anuria is common as d cyst must have obstructed the way ..dont worry saai vl make it alryt ..we will pray for uncle..jai saainath

  • Sai Ram Venkat Brother. Do not worry about appa and he will be recover fast and heel well by the grace of our sainath. Don’t stress yourself and be Brave and peaceful. Everything will be alright soon with the blessings of our dear Sai Maharaj.

  • Do not worry. Uncle will get well soon. This is just a tough phase of life. Why fear when baba is there? He will never let anything bad happen to any of his devotee.

  • sairam
    your father will be blessed to see you get marry soon.this is the time u should be more stableand optimistic.sai is with ur family always.dont worry.

  • Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram…your dad will recover soon with the grace of Sai…you have helped so many ppl through star sai…to hold themselves together during their tough times….without actually knowing it yourself, you have accumulated so much of Sai’s blessing and grace…Keep your faith on baba! everything will soon be ok!

    Take Care brother!

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