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Sai Baba – The Saint who accepted every thing to satisfy devotees and make them Happy

Sairam friends,

This morning I woke up and opened Sai Satcharitra. It came to chapter 11 where a devotee applies Sandal paste to Saibaba and Sai accepts it without ignoring. It was the first time a devotee has applied sandal paste to Saibaba on his fore head. Everyone were wondering that Saibaba never allowed any one to do such Pooja but how did this Saint accepted this particular devotees way of worshiping Sai?

You know I have written few Pooja in the past few years

Starsai Shradha Saburi Pooja

Lemon lamps pooja

Shirdi Saibaba blessings by Lighting coconut lamps

Few years back a devotee wrote me why are you spreading such Pooja to devotees? When Saibaba lived in shirdi ( he lives forever though) people simply worship him singing aarti and serve him as they wish. Saibaba never encouraged any specific Pooja. Then why do we need to become ritualistic.

Honestly, I also wonder why people stick to Sai Vrat pooja which is so popular and even I request devotees to take the Pooja I created simply as a way of worshiping Sai and not the only way. You can worship saibaba and show devotion on him in any ways you choose best.

Let’s learn how people started to make Sai to accept doing Pooja for him.

Sai Baba – The Saint who accepted every thing to satisfy devotees and make them Happy

Untill 1895 Saibaba never accepted any one come near him for worship. If any devotee comes inside Dwarakamai with Pooja thali, Saibaba immediately used to throw away the plates and ask them to go away and worship Gods they love. You see this is a Saint who lived a very simple, sweet life. Saibaba never wanted anyone to praise him with Aarti and worship him doing holy bath – Abishekam, decorate him etc.

Sai always says he is humble servant of God:

Sai Baba has always tried to show himself as Humble servant of God and he even took Gods name in his lips. Saibaba never once asked devotees to worship him. Who can not understand the powers of this true saint? Over the years devotees gradually understood Sai is God incarnate and was so eager to worship him with devotion.

Sai kept avoiding it and devotees kept doing all ways to make Saibaba accept their Pooja for him. At one point, Saibaba could not let his devotees get disappointed as they truly saw him as a True Guru and avatar of Dattatreya, Shiva, Krishna, Rama as they wish.

To some devotees, he was Shiva incarnate and they bathed Sai with water and offered Vilva leaves

To some devotees, he was Vittal incarnate – They worshiped him with sandal paste and other decorations of Pandharpur Vittal Maharaj.

A devotee offered Modhaka to Saibaba as he saw as Ganesha incarnate.

Sai gave darshan for devotees as they perceived him in their heart. So what ever way you perceive Saibaba, You will be blessed with such an experience.

Sai started realizing how much devotees were eager to worship him with formal Pooja and finally after many years accepted their way of worship to satisfy them and make them happy.

Fom 1885 Mahalsapathi, the priest of Kandhoba temple, Shyama and few intimate devotees of Saibaba started worshiping Saibaba with Pooja and also sung Aarti. From 1910, Shej Aarti during night time was sung regularly in Dwarakamai or Chawdi.

Many devotees might wonder how come people say this is a humble Saint but sitting in Golden thrown in Shirdi, wearing all expensive cloths studded with pearl and diamonds etc. How can one call him a simple saint?

Its not what Saibaba wants friends. Sai wants your love. When you offer some thing, even if its a single leaf or flower, its your devotion that Sai accepts.

So if you offer a diamond crown , Sai accepted it for your love.

Many Sai devotees used to write me about following the Sai vrat pooja very ritualistically and ask me if they did any mistake for nothing doing something. I say them be cool, be friendly with Sai, Love Sai heart and soul. Sai accepts your devotion. There are no rituals or Pooja specific for Saibaba including what I created.

Its all between you and your Guru Saibaba. You can worship Sai with little you have as per your comfort. Just make sure you have internal faith and love on Sai than what you do externally. That’s why i always request devotees to do Naam smaran – Chanting of Gods or Saints name in heart.

Let us be responsible when we worship Saibaba in any temple or in Shirdi

During my pilgrimage to Shirdi, one of my Author friend told me, The statue in Shirdi used to be so white like Milk but now a days its gradually started getting shade of a human. May be its because devotees offer all they wished etc. Sai does accept all we offer but we have to Keep Saibaba safe for millions of years to come. Even in your near by Saibaba temple, be careful and worship Saibaba making sure the statue and temple is protected forever.

Some devotees mail me saying they did abishekam to Saibaba with kumkum and chandan and now the Statue has stain. Well, You did it and you keep Sai safe and continue to worship. Common, Keep your heart pure as milk which is all Sai needs.

Ok friends, Now lets listen to the Story of the devotee who offered sandal paste to Sai and why Sai accepted it.

Dr. Pandit’s Worship

One Dr. Pandit, a friend of Tatyasaheb Noolkar, once came to Shirdi for Baba’s darshana. After saluting Baba, he stayed in the Masjid for some time. Baba asked him to go to Dadabhat Kelkar. He went to Dadabhat, by whom he was well received. Then Dababhat left his house for Puja and Dr. Pandit accompanied him. Dadabhat worshipped Baba. Nobody until then dared to apply sandal paste to Baba’s forehead.

Only Mhalsapati used to apply it to His throat. But this simple-hearted devout, Dr. Pandit, took Dabadhat’s dish containing Puja-materials and taking sandal-paste out of it, drew a Tripundra, i.e. there horizontal lines on Baba’s forehead. To the surprise of all, Baba kept silent without uttering a single word.

Then Dababhat that evening asked Baba,

“How is it, that though You object to the sandal-paste being applied by others to Your forehead, but You allowed Dr. Pandit to do so now?”

Baba replied that Dr. Pandit believed Him to be the same as his Guru, Raghunath Maharaja of Dhopeshwar, known as Kaka Puranik, and he applied the paste to His forehead, as he was doing to his Guru. Hence He could not object.

On enquiry, Dr. Pandit told Dadabhat that he took Baba as his Guru Kaka Puranik, and hence he marked the Tripundra on Baba’s forehead, as he did on his Guru’s head.

Though Baba allowed the devotees to worship Him as they pleased, still sometimes, He acted in a strange way. Sometimes, He threw away the Puja-dish and was wrath Incarnate, then who could approach Him? Sometimes, He scolded the devotees, at times, He looked softer than wax, a statue of peace and forgiveness.

Though He seemed to shake with anger and His red eyes rolled round and round, still, He was internally a stream of affection and motherly love.

Immediately, He called out His devotees and said, that He ever angry with His devotees; that if mothers kicked their children and if the sea turned back the rivers,

He would neglect the devotees’ welfare: that He, the slave of His devotees, always stood by them, and responded to them, whenever they called upon Him, and that He always longed for their love.

Did you like this beautiful leela of Saibaba friends?

This shows how much Sai loves his devotees. I love him so much for the little things Sai does for me.

I was writing that article untill 1 last night… Namma Vaalka ipidiye poga pogudhu baba, Enaku enavo doubta iruku….I don’t think you have any idea of showing me the right girl i pray for.

I wonder what you have in your mind Sai

A uncle who’s close student of my Sister’s father in Law in 1980’s came to my work place yesterday but I didn’t meet him as he’s Sai devotee and I felt he might ask about StarSai. I told him, Since everyone were there, I didn’t felt like speaking to him. There are few people in life we like to meet personally for their kindness and this uncle is one among them.

He called up now and asked me timings of Nagasai mandhir and said today also he will come office and was searching for me yesterday. I really admire him as they are running a orphanage for girls and helping them earn a living. I told him shall meet today or we shall meet personally sometime.

Baba, bless all your children to be blessed with good life.



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1 Comment

  • dear sai venkatji

    for the past few days i was having a deep inner thought while doing pooja as follows:

    ” Dont be nervous. Dont do the pooja just for the sake of it. with tension whatevever you offer will not be accepted by me. With calmness and mental coolness and with lots of love pray to me. This is what I will accept.”

    I do not know why this thought was persisting in my mind. Then when i read chapter 11, i got an answer. also when I read cholkar’s sugar less tea i got confirmation that sai is watching me from all directions.

    yesterday when I read the chapter that deals with Das ganu maharaj’s work on upanishad and how his doubts were solved by servant maid I GOT FIRM CONVICTION that God resides every where within and without and IF OUR MIND IS HAPPY WE ARE HAPPY – otherwise not. one will not lose what he possess and one should not long for other’s possession. An incident that happened is an immediate thought as follows: ” i have stopped completion of all ur works wtih delays. if u want success today offer everything with desireless mind.” I DID IT. THAT SAME DAY ALL MY WORKS WERE COMPLETED WITHOUT ANY HITCH.


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