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None knew that Sai has blessed me immensely but it looks like my life isn’t good

Shirdi Saibaba
Written by venkatraman

Sairam friends,

My internet at home isn’t good. I feel really disappointed with BSNL as I like to support Government organizations. For more than 10 years, I enjoyed BSNL broadband services and now realize they are ruined by mismanagement.

The worst part of being someone who believes in Saibaba is facing questions from people that why we are still suffering in life? The answer is simple – People measure happiness based on practical standards existing as norms. That one must have good education, have a exiting career or lucrative business or marry the girl/guy one loves on time and have healthy child. If our life doesn’t look like a fairy tale, people doubt if we have gained anything from our devotion on Shirdi Saibaba. We ourselves might at times doubt if there’s any use in praying Sai.

Meanwhile, Here’s a Photo sent by Sai devotee Shanthi

Shirdi Saibaba

Sai Pooja

Saints ways are unique

A true Guru doesn’t help your life to look like a fairy tale. If everything goes smooth, it would have been great but it depends on the good and bad karma we did in the current and past several births. So saints like Saibaba allow the “Law of Karma” to do what ever it wanted to do in our life. I have personally experienced how Saibaba silently helps me. It looks like nothing happened much. It looks like I am a looser. It looks really bad enough to say my life isn’t good. Irrespective of how it looks to the external world, I have experienced Saibaba is working on my life.

The reason I have to write this is that very few Sai devotees actually realize Saibaba is continuously working on their life. There are situations when you are fed up with life due to several disappointments. Accept it. Accept these failures. It could take months or years. Simply be truthful to yourself and Saibaba.

Gradually you will realize the fairy tale kind of life you expected only would have led you to further struggles. Nothing which the people around you considers as “Happiness” and “Success” and a “Good life” is as good as it seems. Its better to let Sai work on our life silently than satisfying people that we are leading a happy life.

Surrender to Sai.

And it continues to be a secret – None knew that Sai has blessed me immensely. Only the people who read this would know but they too won’t see my life is “Happening”.

This is how Sai works on my life and I am happy about it.

Om Sai Ram


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  • sairam

    You have given a beautiful life, but with mayas mind get obstructed at times. I sincerely surrender at your lovely feet for all the goodness you have given me for past years. Bestow the best of best, what you have for me in your lovely gracious hand.

    Baba, i give my good n bad . Give my marriage knot blessing ASAP.

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