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Devotees Experiences

Sai blessed her son, a sister to love and care

Sairam friends,

I used to think what am I doing with StarSai and if its really beneficial for Sai devotees. I feel happy when someone shares experiences as below.

Sai blessed with her son a sister to love and care

My name is Niru and I am from the UK, I have a 12 year old boy with special needs, I really wanted a healthy daughter for my son so he has a sister to turn to, I promised baba that as soon as I have a healthy daughter I will put my experience on this website.

As soon as I was pregnant I started taking babas udhi , and I also did 9 vrat although I didn’t fast but I did the pooja every week and read the katha. On the first day I opened the book in front of baba and it opened up to the page of someone else’s experience who had a baby daughter given by baba, I was shocked it felt like baba gave me a sign.

3 days before I was induced I listened to sai satchitra, the narrator kept on saying the name Sandhya as it felt Sandhya time was babas favourite time. At the time of my delivery I felt babas presence as I took in gas and air I saw yellow stripes and baba saying I’m here don’t worry. 12 hours later our daughter was born and in my arms, perfect and beautiful, we named her Sandhya…. Sai Sandhya, we have babas picture on our wall and she always stares at him as if he is talking to her, whenever we listen to sai bhajans she has a smile on her face.

Thank you baba for a beautiful gift, always bless her so when she grows up she can look after her brother.

Sai sister


Hope you like it friends. May Sainath bless the baby girl – Venkat

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