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Sai blessings to a devotee who called him a human being

Sairam friends,

I truly loved this Sai leela how sai pulled this little sparrow to his kingdom..Like few who argue to sai devotees that why we worship him and he is after all a human being , this devotee wrote to me how her difficulties in life made her worship sai and today she spread sai bhakti to the world through this article.

Why trust a Human being

Om sai ram

I am a devotee of sai baba. I did not knew or belived much in baba until 2007.but now my everyday passes with his name and prayers. In 2007 I got married to a very modest and adorable man I had ever met. And my husband was a beliver of baba. I often used to argue with him why shoud he be bowing down to a sai  baaba who was a human being himself. I had a lot of ego and pride in my self. Still I don’t know why baba blessed me with such a good life partner. I used to not go inside but wait out side the sai mandir when my husband visited sai baba.

When difficulties araises we naturally start to believe in Guru and God :

But within 2 months of my marriage some problems came into our life it was so worse that I wish not even my enemies should face such problems in their lives. Me and my  husband and both our families went through a lot of emotional trauma. That is the first time I started praying baba I went to his temple and prayed to him. When I went to his temple in my first visit I started feeling strong vibes of faith.I totally surrendered to him. I felt like weeping in his porch  as if I met him in person. and since then I am his devotee.

And after that day the things started to fall in place and by gods grace we were back on the track.I keep telling sai ram sairam in my heart when ever there is a trouble some situation going on in my life. And the kind of peace and courage I get while doing that is unexplainable.

Greatness of Sri Sai Satcharitra – Holy book of Sai babawritten by Hamadpant :

I have read sai satchairtha a lot of times.and belive me every single time I read it I get some good news before I finish it. one time I finised reading sai satcharitha  on Wednesday. And the next morning ie Thursday morning sai baba came in my dream with saffron kaphni as he will be wearing in lot of pictures.

He was radient and looked very peacefull and he was holding a jug in which the sadhus hold the holy water and was sitting in a old house. there were a lot of mean boys in the old house  and were trying to chase me and my si-in-law. me and my sister-in-law were trying to escape from them and then we saw sai sitting ther. once we reached sai their were no more men it was all peacefull. he told many things but unfortunately when I woke up I dint remember anything. I tried a lot to remember but I could not. The only thing he told I remember was you should leave this house. I did not understand . that time my husband had lost his job and it was during the time of economy fall and recession  and within a month of that dream he  got a job in a a different place and we vacated that house. And by his grace we got a very nice house and had very good things happen in that house.

Though I dint remember what sai baba said to me. I was overwhelmed with the fact that he had forgiven me and have accepted me as his devotee unless and otherwise he would have never given me a darshan in my dreams which very less people will be fortunate to get in one life.

One more eg of miracle of reading sai satcharitha:

( i liked this leela too…well when you read this , take a vow to do parayan of sai satcharitra …its here in below link and yes don’t expect the same..dont hurry…may be its going to take time for you… )

Life of Shirdi Sai baba – Sai Satcharitra holy book

Blessing couples giving a good Job to husband within one hour of touching  Sai Satcharitra :

After we moved to the new house that I mentioned above, me and my husband had a good life and one fine day one of our old friends called us and told that they were visiting us that night. they were travelling from California to New York ( ie west coast to east cost cross country )and as we lived in the mid of their drive they wanted to halt at my place for one night in our house.

Struggling with our job for 9 month :

They were a married couple who were struggling due to recession. They were tired of their job hunt in the west coast and hence they wanted to try their luck in  east. They had vacated the house and had packed up their whole stuff and left for new place insearch of some job.The wife was a on dependent visa and dint work and the husband was out of job for last 9 months. You can imagine how difficult it is to live in US without salary for 9 months. They came to my house in the night around 7.30-8 pm. As I was speaking to the wife . I mentioned her about sai satcharitha which she did not know . though she belived in sai baaba she dint know bout the sai charitha. I told her to pray to baba right away and start reading the charitha as soon as they get settled into a job and house.

She immediatle went to my pooja room and prayed in front of babaa. And miracle of miracle her husband got a call around the same night and had a interview. Which is very unusual to have a interview call that late and the call was not scheduled before either.. very next day when they were supposed to continue their trip to new york they headed back to California as he got the job confirmed very next day in CA, this was for the same interview that he had the previous night.  this was only due to the mahima of sai baaba.

Sai grace of a New sparrow he pulled to his darbar :

within one hour that she prayed to baba about reading sai satcharitha her husband got the interview call. the thing that they were trying for 9 long months was found in one night due to the grace of baba. I feel very lucky to have so close to sai baaba. And to have witnessed his miracles. May sai baaba bless all who wishes to walk on right path and follow his Preaching.

Sai ram…

— Pavani

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1 Comment

  • I have to tow the line of Mr.Venkatraman.

    Sometimes Sai Baba’s response and help are very quick and instantaneous. We call them as Sai-Miracles. Sometimes His response and help come forth after our repeated prayers and cries. Of course for the reasons very well known to SAI . But there is NEVER a situation when SAI ditched His devotees even though we feel that way at times. Have Faith [ in Sai ] and Patience ! He is there for sure to save us !

    Vazhga Valamudan !
    M Manoharan

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