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Saibaba Books

Sai , What can i do in a place where i can’t have your darshan

Chapter 10

“Sai, What can i do in a place where i can’t have your darshan”

Every chapter i write in this book stirs wave of love towards sainath maharaj in me and i have few drops of tears covering my eyes . Sai always used to say

“Break the teli’s wall” – Break the wall between you and me so that we can see each other happily.”

Sai, now the only thing that seperates me and you are the transparent tears covering my eyes . I wish by the time i complete writing this chapter both me and the readers will wash your holy feets, the Guru paadhuka with the tears of love on you.

sairam friends,

This chapter is to help Shirdi Sai Baba devotees who are old , who are busy with work, who live abroad or in far away places in india and who has health , official or financial difficulties in going to shirdi to fulfill their desire to have darshan of Samadhi mandhir and the holy Dwarakamai. In 2010 , atleast 50,000 sai devotees come for Sai darshan every single day and the crowd increases more than 2 lakh on special occations.

Does that mean Sai is giving darshan to only those who visit shirdi ?

We all know sai is omnipresent. A saint with Astama siddhi who lives in every life, every place, every house where pure hearted sai children lives and believe me , his antarmavitva , the fact that sai lives in our own atman is proved by some sacred dreams experienced by sai devotees.

This chapter “Sai, what can i do in a place where i can’t have your darshan” is to satisfy sai devotees who are depressed and worried that they can’t go shirdi, for those who miss their local saibaba temple and those who’s family situation is such that not all in family believe in sai baba , so they can’t go shirdi .

Believe me, Sai will give you darshan if only you realize how truly he is present in your own village, town or city and in your own atman ( in your soul as conciousness ).

Cotinued from what i wrote in Shirdi in the note book :

Writing infront of Goddess Mahalakshmi :

3 :2:2009

Evening – 6.45

I am now sitting infront of Goddess Mahalakshmi devi in shirdi. Mahalakshmi temple is located just 10 minutes walk from dwarakamai . This is the temple where the statue of Ashta Lakshmi is now blessing you, the reader with all Aishwaryam – Good health, Wealth, Good career and prosperity in life. I believe Goddess Mahalakshmi as a goddess who protects her devotees than usual idea about Mahalakshmi that she blesses us with wealth.

Chanting Mahalakshmi Ashtothram for your welfare :

Mahalakshmi , Show grace on this Sai Child who is reading this holy experience . I now chant the Mahalakshmi Astothram to bless you. I looked at the eyes of Mahalakshmi , Ashta Lakshmi, Durga Devi chanting in mind Mahalakshmi Ashtothram.

Dear Sai devotee, please try to close your eyes for few seconds and imagine now you are present in the holy shirdi, in the sacred Mahalakshmi temple and her divine grace is on you. Is she present in your heart ? Yes she is . She is the mother who comes immediately to those who sing her glory with devotion.

How beautiful is Goddess Mahalakshmi today :

I was deeply engrossed in the divine grace of Goddess Mahalakshmi. Today she was sending fragrance of her blessings in a beautiful Sandal wood colour saree, a flower garland and orange border. The priest Atma Ram gave me prasad and asked if i got a good place to write book. I said ” i am going to write in Sivanesan swamiji samadhi and also i am writing where ever i go , what ever i go because i want the sai children who read this book to image that they themselves are in Shirdi. We all wish to go to holy placed but our situation wont let us travel. We simply can’t complain that Sai Baba is not calling me to Shirdi.

Sai knows your situation and when the time comes for you , you will be in Shirdi. At present feel mentally that you are already in Sai’ Kingdom while you read this Book.

Think Sai . Think Dwarakamai and you are already with Sai :

If you think you are in shirdi with pure devotion on Sai, Sai immediately pulls you into his sacred Dwarakamai even if you are miles away from Shirdi.

The reason i write this is that lakhs of people visit holy places but their mind will be in their own problems, sufferings and desires . Whats use of coming to Shirdi if our mind is not on Sai ? Thats why i request Sai devotees planning a pilgrimage to Shirdi, to chant “Sairam , Sairam, Sairam ” or any mantra they like, Do aarti, sing bhajans and do anything that makes them remember Sai and Sai alone.

Now , what i request the reader is “reverse the situation “.

Imagine that you are now in Shirdi, in late 18th century having Darshan of Sai in his holy Dwarakamai

Though you are not in Shirdi, mentally , deeply chant in mind any mantra of Sai or any simple Naam smaran like “Aum Sri Sai Ram” , Close your eyes imagining that you are living during Sai baba’s life time in late 18th century , you are now in SaiBaba’s Dwarakamai . Take the five wick lamp and do panch Aarti for Sai baba, Offer Sai what ever you like ,Jasmine garland, Roses, Garland of 108 White lotus . Simply do this imagination that “You are Now in the sacred Dwarakamai where Sai lived , moved and blessed thousands of his devotees for over 60 years in shirdi ”

Now imagine that you are sitting infront of his sacred Fire ( Dhuni ) and feel the warmth of Sai’s Light.

Let the light of Sai fill your mind and Destroy the darskness in your life

Dear Sai, we know you live in ourself as you are “Antaryami” – The one who is seated in ourself. Please bless the reader ,who is remembering you, who is missing your Shirdi Samadhi mandhir and Dwarakamai Darshan or probably who feels he is not able to spend enough time for daily pooja due to his/her work and family responsibilities.

Sai, bless this Sai child with Good health, Good career, Peace and prosperity.

Now the priest of Mahalakshmi temple Atma Ram is sitting near me asking

“Show me what you are writing ? ” and he peeped to read my Note book. Atma Ram’s eyes fell on the words

“Let the light of Sai fill your mind “.

May be this is what Sai is doing to you this moment. He knows you are reading this Book to know more about Sai or may be to fulfull your wish . What ever way you read, the light if Sai has entered in your life.

Sai has blessed you friends :

The Smoke, dirt and dust of sufferings which was hiding the light in you is now washed away. You are now able to see the light of Sai. For those who have the habit of lighting lamps , i humbly request you to light 2 lamps or atleast a candle ( if only you can’t get lamps ) and celebrate this holy moment.

Say this to Sai …Looking at Shirdi Sai baba photo in your house or Sai Statue …

“Sai, you have a form , you lived in Shirdi and now you made me realize that you live in every life and in me too. Please forgive me for my ignorance all these years and bless me to see your light.

The light of Sai is Love :

The light of Guru is not as you think a bright light as if crores of sun emits brilliant rays. May be thats the Light of God. But the Light of Guru is very easy to realize . Its not the combination of crores of Sun.

The Light of Sai is simply the love you have on your mother and the love your mother has on you.

The Sai’s Light is a combination of crores of Mother’s Love. Sai is your Guru for several past births and its your punya that in this birth we are in close connection with Sai.

Now lets see the incident which happened in Shirdi Sai baba’s life time :

Sai baba blessed Balaram Mankar to stay in Machindragad away from Shirdi and proved Sai lives not only in Shirdi :

What will a man who lost his wife and who is desireless do ? . Balaram Mankar is such a man who decided to take sanyas by devoting his life time in the holy feets of Sai Baba. He gave all the responsibilities to his son and Sai also accepted Balaram Mankar’s single minded devotion.

Balaram Mankar was serving Sai happily living in Shirdi having darshan of Sai Baba everyday and doing all works that he can. Once Sai called him and said

“You have lived in shirdi for long. Take this 12 rupees for expense. Now go to Macchindar Gad , Do penance and stay determined to achieve Happiness ”

Balaram obyed Sai baba’s commands and prostated in his holy feets . But Balaram was pained how he will be leading a life without darshan on his sweet Guru.

Balaram asked Sai baba

“What should i do in a place where i cannot have your darshan ? ”

When i am in shirdi, every single day, i get your darshan, drink your holy tirth and meditate on you day and night. But what will do when i am asked to do penance miles away from shirdi.

Later Balaram himself felt ashamed for he is doubting his Guru’s orders. So he assured Sai , that he will do go to Macchindra Gad , lead a saintly life there remembering the holy feets of Sai , every day meditate on Sai and Sai alone and live there remembering his great Guru Sainath.

Sai baba again said ” Do not doubt my words. Go to Machindra Gad immediately and practice meditation thrice a day and after sometime you will have heavenly bliss”

Balaram departed to Machindra Gad and stated his simple saintly life there everyday remembering Sai . He did meditation on Sai thrice everyday.

Once while doing meditation deeply remember Sainath, Balaram saw Sai Baba right infront of him. He was surprised as he was not in samadhi state and was about to wake up from meditation.

Balaram immediately asked “Sai , why did you send me here ?”

Sai baba told Balaram , ” While you were in shirdi, many ideas and waves of thoughts emerged in you. You thought that i was in Shirdi, with a body composed of the five elements and three and a half cubits in length , and not outside it.

Now you see and determine for yourself whether the person you see here is the same as you saw in shirdi.

It is for this reason that i sent you here ”

Balaram realized the truth that Sai is not only in Shirdi and its not necessary for a Sai devotee to worry that they are not able to go to shirdi or have darshan in Shirdi.

Friends, Hope you realized the reason i wrote this chapter.

Sai will surely call you to Shirdi or when you miss your daily pooja sai will bless you with time to show devotion etc but at times when you are really in pain , try remember Sai deeply in yourself, in your own town and your own pooja place in house or the most sacred place – in your self – “Your Atman” Where Sai lives as he is your Antaryami.

“Sai lives in the walls of your heart. Close your eyes and see the Sai in you”

A small incident which happened to my Sai friend who came all the way from U.S with her husband and children with a desire to go shirdi and who’s inlaws who were not Sai devotees cancelled her shirdi trip was worried how Sai baba din’t blessed her with a desire to go Shirdi.

This made me and all my sai friends worry a lot and we continued to pray Sai must fulfill her desire to go Shirdi before she leaves India.

At times it seems Sai Baba is not helping us but may be its his way of telling the world what he really is . He is verily in you. His Shirdi is your body and his dwarakamai your Soul.

Readers after this chapter close your eyes for few minutes and chant surrendring your body, mind and soul in the holy feets of Sai baba.


Chant atleast for few seconds


Saaayeee Raaaam….Saaayeee ..Saaayeee..Saaayeeeeee

You will realize the Sai who lived in Shirdi with a human body is in the form of light in you and every life in this universe. Today you have lit the lamp of love on Sai.

Now wash the holy feets of Sadhguru with tears of devotion. If you are a sai devotee like me , as ordinary as me , as emotional as me, then surely you will shed tears .

Can you shed tears if Shirdi is some miles away and if Sai lives only in Shirdi.

When i am in coimbatore, Coimbatore is my Shirdi,

If you are in New York, New york is your Shirdi.

All thats required is 2 minutes.

Close your eyes, Chant his holy name and See the Sai in you.

With tears of Love and Affection on Sai Datta.


Next Chapter

Chapter 11 –

Contents page – Shirdi Sai Baba Book of Love

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  • This was really touching and inspiritative experience for me. I am very hppy now.Thank you Sai Baba.


    Every word in this book is filled with lots of love on BABA.. I’m very happy to read this book. Love you BABA. Bless your child Venkat to write more about you. SAIBABA Bless all your children with Good health, Good career, and a Peaceful life.


  • thank u Venkat. this really helped me a lot. because I am in deep depression i did not go to Shiridi when I was in India.

  • Kajal of my eyes is ruined !

    He has showered so much of love on me. When ‘m in bad mood, i play the song ‘Shirdi waale Sai Baba,aaya hai tere dar pe..’ and start to dance on it with sai’s photo in my hand..Doing stupid moves with sai, doing garba,jazz,kathakali 😛

    There are still BIG BIG problems in my life. I get sad n depressed a lot. But i’ve stopped blaming sai since seriously i feel ashamed of myself whenever i blame him. Though ‘m still going thru lot of big problems, my faith n devotion in sai has only increased to a large extent with his blessings!! He keeps giving me small signals wherever I go assuring me that he’s guarding me n that my problems ‘ll be solved soon!:)

    Sai bless you all ! 🙂

    Jai Sai Nath! Sabka Maalik Ek!

  • Thank you for this article,,, i have wondered many a time about getting sai’s dharshan as i live in a place with no Sai baba temples. This has made me realise that he is everywhere and we do not need to visit his temple to get his blessing.

  • your article really improve devotion of any devootee thanks for it………………………….om sai shree sai jaya jaya sai sadguru sai……….om sai ram

  • Thank you very much for the beautiful story. I came across your book yesterday and couldn’t stop myself from reading it. You have very easily blended the story of your life with Sai Baba’s leelas and teachings. Thank you very much. Your story has strengthened my belief in Sai Baba. I pray to him for you and your family’s well being and also am praying to him so you have a great career ahead. I am stuck in a similar situation with no career for past five years and your pain resonates in my heart. Bless you Venkat for a writing a book that touched my soul and brought me closer to Sai. Sairam.

  • i see sai every day in inter net but i wana see in my drim in saibaba i love my hart to sai baba
    om sai ram

  • OM SAI RAM….O SAI u r the creator of this world, u r the creator of all nd u r the protector too….those fortunate people by their meris in their past birth can chant thy Holy name by Ur permission, grace nd blessngs help them nd protect them from all calamaties nd those unfortunate nd ignorant people who r still living in dark, plz hav mercy on them nd help them to chant Ur name….coz, Ur name gvs us peace, strenght nd helps us to get rid from the cycle of births nd deaths….O God of Gods(Deva-di-Dev

  • sairam friends,

    I just want to share one thing. I live in canada . When I was in india I was visting Shiridi every year and I really miss that now. From two days I was thinking about that and I was asking sai that he is not calling me to shiridi and I was felling sad. I somehow came to this site and my eyes fell on this topic and was surprised to see this article. Baba wanted to tell that He is everywhere and I can pray him everywhere and there is no need to feel sad for not going to Shiridi and so he showed me this website. I feel so better now. Thanks a lot for this. May sai baba bless each and every family..

  • Sairam,

    A friend in Singapore spoke to me about Shirdi Sai Baba sometime ago. since then ive been reading alot of Sai Baba and chanting Om Sai Ram everyday without fail. its given me a lot of inner peace and hence i have become a devotee and a follower. I have just made a trip to Shirdi with my mother,sisters n the friend who brought Baba into my life. What an experience it was! I’ve just come back home to Australia . This morning i I was reading about Dakshinamurthy when I came across yr website and your articles n books. Thank you for the above article. You have just assured me that Baba is with us no matter where we live. Where I live, there’s no SaiBaba temples or bhajans or anyone who talks about Saibaba except for my family members. I am glad that I found your website today and I know it happened only with Baba’s Blessings because he knew exactly what I was feeling since I woke up this morning. Thank you!

  • SaiRam friends,
    After reading this story and seeing your blogs I feel that Sai is guiding his children through your words and visions. You are the mediator between Saibaba and the devotees. When ever Iam depressed ,I visit the website and go through your blogs . It enlightens the inner self. Thank you for the article.

  • Hello Venkat,

    The entire book was wonderful.
    To me it looks like you have addressed the day to day feelings of a common man.
    Each and every word in the book made me feel like Baba is speaking from Dwarakamai.
    Am writing this comment listening to Baba’s Shej Arathi.
    Thanks a ton for this.
    When are you publishing the other chapters?
    Can’t wait to read them.
    I kindly request you to narrate how you got a job with Baba’s grace in the chapters to come as it would be a real boost for people who are looking for a job (including me)…

    Many Thanks

  • On Sai ram. This book is really touching and helpful when we are missing our baba.While reading I feel myself in Shirdi in dwarkamai..Your personal experience make you more close to baba.Your trust unconditional love for baba
    boost me .Really I understand the meaning of faith and trust.Thanks for writing this book..waiting for more chapters.Thanks.

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